What's the bravest thing you've ever had to do that didn't involve violence?
I'll go first...
11 years ago when I knew I had to separate from my wife even though I had no money, no where to live, and knowing that if I didn't, I was probably going to kill myself.
Luckily a friend took me in.
@Mrfunkedude I saved a baby & their mom - San Jose, CA circa 1990s sometime.. I was raising my kids and taking care of other families kids - one of my best friends lived up the street from me - Epileptic - she had her phone set to call her husband when she had seizures. She was about to seize (grand mal) a and accidentally called me - no sound on the other end - I have never run so fast in my life. I got into her house just in time to catch her newborn before she fell to the ground and seized.
@Mrfunkedude fortunately she had her other two daughters trained. We put the baby in the carrier and they took her upstairs and I made sure she was on her side and wasn't near anything that could hurt her while she seized and waited for her hubby who was speeding home.. she turned out ok but that moment when she fell and I grabbed the baby just in time has been with me since.
@snowwrite she's lucky you got there in time.
@Mrfunkedude your prompt made me remember :) Yeah and her kids were so well trained but no way they would have had the strength to position her so she wouldn't hurt herself or the baby. It was just one of those.. OH GOD NO instinctual things.. we were about 8 houses apart.. and I'm telling you I've never ever run so fast!