Inveshin idea?
Kebord for tetnacl
Englosh lesions for proxmar centorans.
> Kebord for tetnacl
How much tentacles would usually be used to type?
> Englosh lesions for proxmar centorans.
Proximar centerans?
> 1 OR many
> Yos your red dorf friend star near sun. A place i NEVER ben ofc ourrse bec/ i am hurman
@ticonderoga So, your keyboard would be typed on with two tentacles?
@AirportWorld 1 orr 2 or 3 orrr 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or......
@ticonderoga Hmm, I don't know of an animal with more than 8 tentacles. Also, that would require eight separate keyboards.
@AirportWorld @ticonderoga Just needs n-key rollover and bigger keys
Also we may have finally found someone capable of using emacs without getting carpal tunnel
@troubleMoney what is n-key rollover?
@AirportWorld key rollover refers to how many keys on a keyboard you can push and still have them all register
So 2-key rollover would mean you can hold two keys down and have both register, but if you press a third as well then the last one won't
n-key rollover means you can press any number of keys on a keyboard and still have all of them register as being pressed