if you think about it, a heating radiator with a thermostat is a type of software defined radio
an A/C tank, as it were.
@whitequark the first mass-produced software defined radio was the car ECU
@whitequark *points to homeothermic creature* radio!
@chrisvest @whitequark I think you just took the alignment from true--neutral to chaotic-evil.
@KatS @whitequark I brought my thermoreceptors within range of my kitty.
Signal: snoot=cold, belly=warm.
@whitequark Pesky drifty THz band CW ops.
*remembers horrible terrible contraptions by terahertz guys*
That's a lot to unpack so let's throw away the whole suitcase
@Iris_IllEra @whitequark ...the terahertz guys?
@qdoit @whitequark
>look inside
@whitequark@mastodon.social If you run this process in reverse, it's definitely a legitimate radio receiver for many lab applications.
@whitequark@mastodon.social Just found this example from an RF/microwave metrology textbook in my old archive.
@lanodan @niconiconi @whitequark waveguide filled with a wedge of dielectric? If not .. sorcery always an option, it’s RF.
@niconiconi @whitequark I was baffled for a minute how they get the water to form into a wedge shape
What in the black sorcery world this device achieves
@magnetic_tape@infosec.exchange @whitequark@mastodon.social measure and calibrate the received radio signal power using the water temperature.
@niconiconi @whitequark @magnetic_tape any chance of getting the title of said book?
@siriusfox@social.treehouse.systems @whitequark@mastodon.social @magnetic_tape@infosec.exchange Radio Frequency & Microwave Power Measurement, A. Fantom.
@niconiconi @whitequark a downscale version of the Heathkit "Cantenna"!
@gorplop you could use depth of modulation to transmit
this is completely serviceable
0.5 degC means 0, 1 degC means 1
@whitequark @gorplop This is the type of content I am here for
@gorplop @whitequark might need to reduce the bandwidth slightly to have start and stop bits for framing.