Terrible news: working to a set timetable, taking my meds, eating healthily and going to bed early enough to get 8 hours sleep has made me feel loads better. Mentally, physically and intellectually.
In which I combine the above post with some of my “acting” https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGejDkrVu/
@BethanyBlack Thinking of you at this difficult time.
@smnevans it’s just not fair, damnit! It’s just not fair
@BethanyBlack WELCOME TO THE FOLD, my sibling. Please...help yourself to some Flavor Aid.
Lunch is at 11:30, DO NOT BE LATE
The HELL you say!
[fingers in ears, eyes squinched shut] "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"
@BethanyBlack @sennoma dude i was *just* about to post that. i love that meme.