Late #el30
Hi @Downes
Watched "Installing gRSSHopper on Reclaim" (I'm on Reclaim) & the only issues were my own rustiness at cpanel, databases, etc. Most perl modules not there but easy to add w/ cpanel.
I've got a weird non-functional ple screen at
Suspect I am missing a css file or similar? Admin looks OK but for a tiny snippet at top. "tw_tsecret"
Do you have a list of what should be in my cgi-bin, html dirs? That might be a place for me to look? Thanks!
Oh yeah, version 0.910! This has been fun so far. Getting back into managing my own stuff!
Thanks! Havent used ftp in ages and ages and dragged the whole html folder to so the assets folder was empty. Tried again and just dragged assets there and Initialized again bc something seemed weird. Almost there. Thanks for your help! Going to keep futzing around.