@Downes - Aside from the "Approaching E-Learning 3.0" course - do you have a blog post or summary presentation summarizing the concept?
@mackiwg you mean the content of the course, right? I'm working on it.
@Downes Nope - not the content of the course itself. More of an overview of what you mean by E-learning 3.0.
@mackiwg Well the content *is* what I meant by E-Learning 3.0
Here's the document in progress - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GK35a2PstE4gcGaFbzC3YFFzuounw1xzQEMeug29eCg/edit?usp=sharing
I'd like to publish it somewhere - can you think of a journal that might take it (with links converted to references, of course)?
Thanks @Downes . Two journals come to mind. JIME: https://jime.open.ac.uk/ and of course IRRODL: http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl
@mackiwg IRRODL won't take it - I've offered them a few things, but all they want are the very structured 'research' articles. JIME might be a possibility.
@Downes COL,s J4LD has a "Reports from the field" section which would be more flexible re structure: https://jl4d.org/index.php/ejl4d - Self-publishing on your own site would be better imo ;-) Wider readership.
@mackiwg It will be posted on my website as well - but my employer is nagging me for some publications. Also, since I'm not getting speaking invitations any more, I conclude that people aren't reading my website any more.
@Downes Its ground breaking work (irrespective of where its published) - I'll be continuing to read and pretty sure there are others ;-).