blog! “Book Review: Leviathan Wakes - James S. A. Corey”
I'm really late to the party on this one! After people singing the praises of the TV show, and my brother recommending them, I finally cracked and read the first book. It's pretty good! You probably don't need me to tell you that. But, for a book published in 2011, I was surprised at how […]
#BookReview #SciFi #TheExpanse
@Edent You get chapters from the viewpoints of 2 new female characters in book 2 and there's non hetro-stuff later in the series. Also the evil company you identify isn't the baddie of the whole series - not saying more for spoilers.
@jarofgreen that's good to know. I've just started the 2nd one.
I was a bit cheesed off with the "and then everyone turns into zombies" trope.
@Edent @jarofgreen psst TV series too covering most of the books and as others say, each is very different and zombies in space is just a smaller part. You've just missed one of the biggest kick starters ever for a graphic novel series too...
I don't do kickstarters. Never seen the point in them.
I'll try the 2nd book though.
@Edent well, your local comic shop will have less special versions, if they are your thing
@falken I don't read comics. I'm not 12.
@Edent don't think many 12 year olds would want to or be allowed to read ones by Alan Moore, for instance....
@Edent @jarofgreen Was definitely coming here to make both of those points. It always feels more old fashioned but you definitely get away from the cishet perspective and the good/bad stuff gets a lot more complex.
Good to know!
@Edent Yeah I read all the books and NOPED out after the first ten minutes of the show since it felt a lot more male-gaze-y. The books certainly aren't perfect but I feel like there winds up being a pretty good mix of characters and viewpoints.
At the time those were coming out, there were lots of humorous takes about best-vomit-zombie-book-or-not. Previously hadn't been aware that vomit zombies were a category.
@Edent@mastodon the books and show are great. More a saga of the human condition, love, and team solving problems. Plus a bit of police procedural…
@Edent I love the expanse. I find the reasonably hard scifi elements while maintaining politics, human interaction, etc really work for me.
I've done 3 rewatches on the series and I'm most of the way through a second re-listen.
I found the The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet had a love of great space aliens, but the overall setting was just a bit too.. soft scifi for me. It's just a bit too loose and imaginative maybe? (Even if I do love Patricia Rodriguez as a narrator)
@wishy have you seen Babylon 5? I'm curious how you think it compares.
@Edent I could never get in to babylon 5. I think it was just the age i was when it was released, and availability on UK TV. Enjoyed DS9 a lot...