Ach Mist, das war's dann wohl mit meinen Statistiken zu #Mastodon als Trafficquelle für @heiseonline:
Hab gerade bemerkt, dass die schönen neuen Vorschaukarten den URL-Parameter abschneiden, über den wir überhaupt erfahren, dass Besuche von hier kommen. Je mehr Instanzen diese neue Vorschau nun anzeigen, desto mehr Einstiege werden darüber kommen und für uns nicht mehr erkennbar.
Weiß nicht, ob wir das überhaupt beheben können/wollen.
And also in English: The nice new preview cards (no irony, I really like them) seem to cut off URL-Parameter. That means that we see less and less traffic coming from #Mastodon on @heiseonline. Because more and more #instances get the update, and more people click on the preview and not the URL.
That means that my little summaries are getting quite worthless: I don't know if we could/or would want to add the URL-Parameter to the previews.
@mho @heiseonline @renchap Apologies. The link card respects the canonical tag on the page, but this has been a point of friction for scenarios such as this for a while.
@Gargron @renchap
Thanks for your replies, I assumed that this behavior was intentional because of the privacy-focus of #Mastodon. If this isn't the case, and it maybe could even be solved, it would be really great. It seems like this isn't only generating problems for me (which aren't that important, to be honest).