Seeing people unabashedly sharing the chaos of their workspaces (which is awesome!!) in the 'show us your workspace' thread, reminds me that on other networks it's kind of established that people only share finished products and present the polished side of themselves.
We don't do that here. There's no focus on brand - our community is more interested in people. We share our mistakes and our works in progress and our failures as well as our wins, because they're part of who we are.
@Curator love this. I think the compulsion to show only finished work stems from insecurity, some of it fostered by the social media culture of comparing yourself to others or trying to brand yourself as a polished... whatever.
@GeoffreyGevalt Yeah - it becomes a very toxic and deceptive environment.
@Curator yes, and it takes support and affirmation from others to assuage people's fears, get them to trust and take creative risk. Thanks for posting this thread.
@GeoffreyGevalt @Curator right, here I go, my #workspace is messy and band-led free... Just a corner in the kitchen. Untweetable totally no igable... Notice the towel to protect the table.