Hadn't heard about Alexandra and Andrea Botez before. They're streamers playing chess (ranks 2000, 2300) and doing other things. Judging from their self-interview they absolutely rock in a large number of ways.
Sickest burn ever (about Andrew Tate):
"Because we're Romanian, they just ... assume ... that ... He's not even Romanian! He just went to prison there!"
People keep asking them if they have an Only Fans.
Alexandra set up an Only Fans account as an April's Fools' joke, with videos of her favorite "hot mating positions". Love it.
@clacke The Botez sisters are quite the Chess content creators.
@clacke They are only so-so in chess knowledge(probably on par with me actually) but nice looking girls who know how to give it as good as they get have a ready made audience in the chess world as the do in most other worlds.
@clacke As soon as I said this, I learned she's beaten a GM. The highest rated person I've beaten was only a senior master in the USCF. Based on that one datapoint she's better than I am.
@clacke i haven't played in ages but when i stopped i was a quickly rising 1980 uscf rating