Patrocinado por el Cristo del Fin del Mundo. No el hijo de Dios Ofrezco el Paraíso mientras vivamos, en vez de suicidarnos colectivamente
I have read “Scientific Explanation of Existence” several times
I already knew that Infinity does not exist, and the shenanigans that are made when teaching Differential Calculus, but I did not imagine that things would go that far.
Hey, you knew what you had to deduce, right?
Of course, that's what Pepe and I were talking about above. It's The Paradox of the Path of Knowledge.
#fediverse #CambioClimático #Apocalipsis #FindelMundo #radiofindelmundo #cristianismo #libertad #respeto #noticias #periodismo #hippy #Trump #books #music #humor #space #science #mathematics #1970s #PeaceSigns #givepeaceachance #1960s #peace #PinkFloyd @rogerwaters @Supertramp #fridaysforfuture @greenpeace #Alternative #EndOfTheWorld #apocalypse
But then, what the Human Being is up to is a macabre game of hiding so that noone can be found and at the same time putting up signs so that anyone can be found!
Is that so, or am I going crazy?
Both, John. That's how it is, and you're going crazy.
#fediverse #CambioClimático #Apocalipsis #FindelMundo #radiofindelmundo #cristianismo #libertad #respeto #noticias #periodismo #hippy #Trump #books #music #humor #space #science #mathematics #1970s #PeaceSigns #givepeaceachance #1960s #peace #PinkFloyd @rogerwaters @Supertramp #fridaysforfuture @greenpeace #Alternative #EndOfTheWorld #apocalypse #negacionismo #Bombaatomica #Hambruna #Alternativa #Guerra #neonazismo
Impressive but funny