The Guardian: Tennessee man shot by his dog while lying in bed
A bullet grazed the Memphis man’s thigh after his one-year-old pit bull got his paw stuck in a gun’s trigger guard
@ai6yr is that the guy who said he’d put the safety on next time? Dumbasses keeping loaded guns in their beds are not destined for long lives.
@swart I'm having difficulty understanding folks who are so afraid they keep a loaded gun under their pillow. FFS people. I wonder how often people kill themselves in that kind of situation.
@swart Not unheard of... 2023:
Chicago-area man shoots himself while dreaming of intruder, then arrested on gun charges
@feonixrift @ai6yr @swart "Foreign beds, coming over the Canadian border!"
@Lazarou @feonixrift @ai6yr a dangerous situation because everyone knows Canadians are good in bed
@swart @Lazarou @feonixrift WAIT, THIS ONE IS BETTER (From March 9th... how often do Americans do things stupid with a gun?)
ABC 13: Man accidentally shot self in foot while attempting to kill cockroach
"DETROIT (WKRC) - A man accidentally shot himself in the foot while trying to kill a cockroach in an unlucky and unfortunate series of events.
Police said that the victim, a 50-year-old man who uses a wheelchair, was attempting to kill a cockroach with his shoe.
He took off his shoe and threw it at the bug to kill it, but a revolver he had hidden in the shoe fell to the ground. Upon making contact with the floor, the gun discharged and the bullet hit the victim in the foot."
@ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift Man, Detroit is so rough that the cockroaches shoot back!
@losttourist @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift I suspect even by American standards, the kind of man who feels he *needs* to keep a loaded firearm close at all times has done /something/ particularly sketchy in their past life causing them to live constantly in fear..
@vfrmedia @losttourist @ai6yr @swart @feonixrift lead in the water, fuck knows what in the air, multiple rounds of COVID.....there are a lot of very low effort minds out there in the US of A.
@Lazarou @vfrmedia @losttourist @swart @feonixrift Fox News is definitely part of the formula.
@ai6yr @vfrmedia @losttourist @swart @feonixrift I was just thinking that...
@ai6yr @Lazarou @vfrmedia @losttourist @swart :eyes recollections of holes in the kitchen: fairly sure some parts of the no clue train've been a long time coming.
@vfrmedia @losttourist @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift don't think that's necessarily the case, a lot of them just seem so scared of everything. Imagine living your life in that much fear? Must be exhausting.
@luke @losttourist @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift I think its a mix of fear and anger, built up over decades of *constantly* seeking out conflict rather than co-operation which seems baked into some sections of society. The kind of man who previously won arguments and even physical fights that he started in the pub/bar, but has got older and out of shape over the years..
@vfrmedia @losttourist @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift sounds spot on, especially the seeking out conflict part.
@vfrmedia @luke @losttourist @ai6yr @swart @feonixrift there's a fair few of those in the UK too. Most of them vote ReformUK if at all.
@Lazarou @luke @losttourist @ai6yr @swart @feonixrift a lot of them (at least who live in the rural areas) are often quietly hoarding long guns and ammo (and sometimes even others you should not have here) - and then moan when/if they get nicked for not complying with their licences (if they have them)
@ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift "A revolver he had hidden in his shoe [that he had just been wearing]" I'd think that would make the shoe very uncomfortable even when he wasn't actually being shot by it.
@mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift LOL you'd think that "cockroach shoots man with gun" would be in The Onion, but... no.
@ai6yr @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou or at least on fark
@ai6yr @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
i guess cockroaches are tired of the whole "i hear cockroaches can live through being microwaved" and started packing heat? :)
@paul_ipv6 @ai6yr @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
Guy was in a wheelchair, so I guess he was not actually walking with a revolver hidden in his shoe. And he was not actually trying to shot the cockroach. But then, I wonder why he would carry a gun that way. Just imagine the scenario: "Wait a minute, mister highway robber, I need to retrieve the gun in my shoe and scare you off?"
@huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift Perhaps (hear me out), the cockroaches are the ones that put him in the wheelchair in the FIRST PLACE, and were there to FINISH THE JOB?!
@ai6yr @huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @feonixrift lol, I knew it! Cockroach Conspiracy!
@ai6yr @huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift I know people who are married and both spouses sleep with guns nearby and they're always strapped. It's gotta be really bad for your mental well-being to feel like you're constantly in moral danger and require lethal force at the ready. These are people who do not live in dangerous or rough neighborhoods.
@douglasvb @ai6yr @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
Yes, I have seen that before, in France, a young lady sleeping with a shotgun in her bed. Me, my experience of guns is mostly in the French military. And the military does not handle guns casually...
@douglasvb @huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift I notice they tend to live in gated neighborhoods, too. The amount of fear in those folks lives is really overwhelming.
@ai6yr @douglasvb @huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @feonixrift I wouldn't want to live like that.
@ai6yr @douglasvb @huitema @paul_ipv6 @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift There's a particular kind of gun enthusiast who seems to be obsessed with the idea of shooting a home invader, as if they can't want for the opportunity.
@mattblaze @ai6yr @douglasvb @huitema @paul_ipv6 @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift They’re all on Nextdoor, posting about “suspicious” people on their street.
@bittersweetdb @mattblaze @ai6yr @huitema @paul_ipv6 @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift woah so all the grannies are packing iron in my neighborhood?!
@mattblaze @ai6yr @douglasvb @huitema @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
yet far more likely to shoot a family member... scary types.
@paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @ai6yr @douglasvb @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
When it was my turn as fire-range officer, I was given a handgun. Reason: one of your trainees might get crazy, stand up and start shooting. In that case, shoot them. The (French) army knew that guys with gun could get crazy, and they had a protocol.
@huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift that's a lot of responsibility!
@huitema @douglasvb @mattblaze @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
military are good at taking very young folks, giving them responsibility, while having guard rails so things don't get too crazy. ;)
we had a whole morning of training in basic before we were allowed to touch a gun. they also explained that if we screwed up, we'd be stuck in basic training much longer, which we'd already figured out was a bad thing...
@paul_ipv6 @douglasvb @mattblaze @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift First day of classes, we were briefed by a captain holding a MAS49/56 rifle. "This is a gun. Its purpose is to kill people". Not to shoot in the air. Not to try scare the other guy. Not a toy... Welcome to the military.
@huitema @paul_ipv6 @ai6yr @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift A Utah legislator had an ankle holster.
@ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
Okay this one's actually somewhat understandable. If I was a gun owner, I'd totally try to shoot a damn cockroach...but that's why I'm not a gun owner.
Edit okay so I actually looked at the article. He threw his shoe at the damn thing and it triggered the gun. Which is ... Not understandable. Do people not store their guns safely?
@PersistentDreamer @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou They do not store their guns safely. Or their shoes. Or their cockroaches.
@feonixrift @ai6yr @swart @Lazarou
Always store your cockroaches inside cigar boxes or sardine tins in a carefully ordered upright position so you can access them and freak people out at the best possible moment.
@ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift On the bright side, at least he's already in a wheelchair.
@msbellows @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift Well, I mean, it doesn't say how he ended up in a wheelchair in the first place, and if it involved the same revolver.
@ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift if the roach died, I’m ok with this method.
@ai6yr @Lazarou @feonixrift just saw this one in our local news — not accidental, but wtf
@ai6yr @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
This is the most American headline ever.
@ai6yr @Lazarou @swart I remember the time I was grilling outside one night, a rental in a neighborhood that saw lots of turnover in units making it hard to "know" your neighbors. Anyway, BANG! Then I hear the guy on the front porch across the street exclaim, "Dammit, I shot myself!" Next thing you know police are there, questioning, trying to ascertain trajectory, etc. What a waste of time/resources. They obviously didn't get a straight answer out of my neighbor and certainly didn't bother to ask neighbors what happened, though someone must have called 911 having heard a gunshot.