The new Natasha Lyonne show on Peacock called “poker face“ is just “lie detector Colombo“ and it’s very blatant. Even down to the opening credits.
@Mrfunkedude I’m watching them both concurrently. Colombo wasn’t running from a criminal though. Also Poker Face has fewer hot pants.
@Mrfunkedude Rian Johnson, the producer and main writer, has said it's basically his take on Columbo, with a few twists to the formula.
I found it a very good if repetitive at times show.
Natasha Lyonne is brilliant in it though. Really nails Falk's mannerisms.
@andthegeekshall I think it's the repetitive aspect that may burn me out on it. She's great in it, I'm not sure if it's enough to keep me interested.