A few days ago I found out that the shop I buy kitchen appliance from is making home deliveries (this is still allowed under our lockdown rules for any kind of product), so I decided to buy the pasta machine I've been wanting to buy for quite some time (everybody in our household is still working, from home, so I wanted to spend some money in the local economy).
Yesterday we called them to order… and about two hours later we had a shiny, new, pasta machine: take that amazon and next day deliveries!
(ok, it was just a lucky accident: they already had a delivery scheduled to our area — and they have known us long enough to trust us with delivery before the payment had cleared — it's not going to happen a second time)
(in this context, the real advantage over amazon is that this involved the shop owner preparing and delivering the package safely on her own, rather than underpaid workers risking contagion in an unsafe warehouse)