just for clarity's sake - i asked this same exact question on bluesky at the same time.
not one like, not one repost, not one reply. 100% completely ignored.
_CLEARLY_ the better converations are happening here.
@Viss Yeah I mean I don't wanna tell you a story 300 characters at a time
@mttaggart apparently neither does ANYBODY on bluesky.
@Viss Jokes aside though, no you're totally right. I've had engagement over there but it's so low-value compared to what we get up to over here.
@mttaggart i get the imrpession that unless youre a celeb of some kind, brought tens of thousands of followers with you from another platform, or only talk about bluesky or politics, you're just going to get overlooked.
@Viss It's funny. I'm seeing a lot of the old "cool kids" show up but... absolutely zero substance.
@mttaggart the chief reason those 'cool kids' showed up in the first place was because bsky was invite only. you were only a cool kid if you ran the gauntlet to get an invite and were let in. the moment the invite only part fell off, that luster vanished overnight, and now since anybody could join, the people who worry their cool kid card was revoked are now desperately trying to keep it cool
but i dont think its working.
@Viss I actually mean newcomers whom I've not seen in years. But with few exceptions, I'm just not seeing relevant material. But hey is early days and I'm trying to keep an open mind
@Viss Also I have a story in mind for this thread once the kiddo is asleep and I have time to write it up.
@mttaggart @Viss there once was a man from...
@Viss @mttaggart I didn’t use it much for the last year because I wasn’t cool enough. My “on topic” infosec material want a fit for happy hour over there. I’m giving it another shot again and hoping that with the influx of people, the culture will change a bit.
@accidentalciso @mttaggart im not holding my breath.
@accidentalciso @mttaggart good example - just now i saw some reposts from lizzo saying something like how 'bsky is safe from propaganda and bots and racism'
she has no idea how wrong she is, and when that becomes clear its gonna be very jarring.
cuz they dont have any 'anti nazi / anti racist' policies over there, its all just 'labeling'. users are on their own in terms of moderation.
and the influx of shitheels from twitter looking for abuse victims has already begun.
@accidentalciso @Viss @mttaggart
I have a theory about this, but we shall see how it plays out
Twitter started out fun, but I don't think it's for the reasons everyone thinks it is. Nobody knew how to appease the outrage robot overlords, so everyone just did whatever, and that was fun
But some people figure it out, and that's what made it less fun
I have no doubt the robot overlords will be appeased much more quickly this time, maybe too quickly
@joshbressers @accidentalciso @Viss Very possible, but the quick-block culture is a positive complication for that dynamic. As ever, I'll remain optimistic and open to being wrong.
@mttaggart @Viss butts and dildos isn’t your thing, either, eh?
@accidentalciso @mttaggart oh theres definitely that, but theres a lot of ... posturing? folks are peacocking around going on and on about how great the place is, but if you want to have an actual discussion, you get ignored because they're too busy peacocking.
@winterknight1337 @accidentalciso @mttaggart oh you didnt go check out the feeds?
@Viss @accidentalciso @mttaggart I guess not those feeds
> I'm seeing a lot of the old "cool kids" show up but... absolutely zero substance
I bet Blaze loves it ...
@strypey @mttaggart this thread is still getting bites too, the second day, and the one person who responded over on bsky came here to add a second story because they saw that nobody was interacting over on bsky. so like, thats another measure
@Viss I’m still trying to wrap my head around the differences between platforms.
@accidentalciso the 100,000 foot view is "bsky looks and feels like old twitter, and you dont have to make any 'decisions' while signing up like you do for mastodon'
and because it was invite only for a while, theres this sorta 'cool kids club' factor surrounding it.
i think it gets a lot more attention because they DIRECTLY AVOIDED the 'mastodon hoa' factor, and didnt chase new users away with screaming demands and condescension.
then they got a handful of celebs.
@Viss dude, my cat pictures barely get any traction there.
And, yeah, it’s because we have common hashtags here and… some sort of feed concept there? Which it’s not obvious how to get cat pictures to the cat picture enjoyers without reading documentation instead of using the same thing that every social network has done for the past decade+.
@Viss Yeah, there are better responses here tbh.
heck, I'll toss another here instead of bsky for the cool peeps. Malicious compliance type
/me throws backup tapes into fire to stoke it up a bit
So back when I was a lowly support tech at a backup company you've probably heard of, I got one hell of a call. It was another company who was a reseller of our product. we were tier 2 support for them and we were tier 1 normally for our own customers. They were walking one of their customer through a disaster recovery test, validating the backups like ALL OF YOU READING THIS SHOULD. On these calls, we're just supposed to be silent observers unless shit hits the fan then we jump in and save the exercise so they can still get a compliance cert or validate SLA's or whatever. the reseller just has us on the line as immediate tier 2 support waiting on the call to rescue them if crap happens.
When the call rolled in to me, i knew exactly who it was and knew that the rep was an arrogant prick from past experience. Great...
During the test, they needed to stand up a new vault server and point it at the right cloud server to replicate the data from cloud to local. I had a list of the correct vault domains for the reseller, and when they were going down their list of recovery info with the client I noticed something sounded off. I was basically a greybeard at this point within the support staff after being there a whole 2 years, and that domain sounded wrong. I looked in my system while they kept working, sure as heck, it was incorrect. about a month earlier they had migrated to a new domain, and while the new one worked for endpooint clients because DNS records had been updated for the endpoint backup clients to not need new configs, the vault servers used a different domain entirely from the clients and there were no DNS records anymore at all for the old domain. If the old config was used on any vault servers, they would fail.
I piped up and said something like I should. I straight up said "i believe you have the incorrect domain there." the reseller's tech being the arrogant prick he was cut me off and was adamant I was wrong. He told me in a quite rude tone "I am positive this is right, if I need your opinion then I'll ask for it! Until then let ME handle it!"
Okay boss, you've got it. Have fun!
So knowing the call is being recorded and captured that lovely little exchange, I let them continue. The customer bought into everything the dude said as well. He was a bit stressed and had no idea who I was or why I was even on the call. The reseller called us before getting the customer on the line as per standard procedure. so he understandably was skeptical of the info I had and trusted his rep. The poor soul... So I let them continue.
all went well until they got the new vault server stood up, the new hypervisor stood up for the VMs to be restored to, and were trying to replicate the data from the cloud to the on-site vault for restores. They kept troubleshooting, and testing, and checking logs. All sorts of errors, failures related to communication, and I dutifully performed my task as I should, simply answering questions, validating the info is correct when they ask me, validating this registry key is right, or what this log means. My shift was 10 hours long, this was my first call of the day, lets see how long they'll go.
After a few hours, they tore everything down, rebuilt it all and it still didn't work. they tried setting up another on site vault and validate they could connect, they asked tons of questions and I either corrected minor misconfigs or just confirmed it was correct. By hour 9 the test was completely failed. They were just trying to figure out why backups weren't able to be restored now. My shift was almost over, so I asked if I can take control and troubleshoot so it didn't have to be transferred to another tech on my team. Just to get the poor customer on my side so they'd listen to me (who was quite angry with his rep at this point) I introduced myself properly as tier 2 support for the cloud storage solution. It suddenly clicked in that guys head why I was on the call and what I had said earlier. he then asked:
"wait, clear back at the start of this call you mentioned something before $rep told you to shut up. What was it you mentioned?"
"Oh, I recognized the domain you're attempting to connect to appears to be the old one. I mentioned this however as $rep was adamant that the data was correct I allowed him to continue as per disaster recovery test procedure. We are tier 2 support and should only interject when there is a problem unresolvable by tier 1. Would you like me to validate that domain for you?"
"of course, please do"
So I did. It was wrong. as soon as I tried the new domain, it just worked. within 15 min of me providing the correct data that the other rep refused I had data flowing in saturating a 2 gig connection.
So right after data start flowing that other rep immediately tried throwing me under the bus.
"see this is why we do these tests. $k1n3ks_employer failed at providing us the correct info preventing us from.." and the customer cuts him off and just starts SCREAMING at him about if he would have just listened they would have been done, how this is the last straw and they're getting a lawyer as the SLA agreement was broken, yadda yadda. Because it ended up in a screaming match between the rep and the customer, I had to report it to my manager. He had to get on the call. He eventually had to listen to the entire call to see if I had done anything wrong as the reseller lost the client (to us ironically) and they were pissed off and out for blood.
Well, because of the reseller rep's statement telling me to shut up when I identified the problem in the first 10 minutes of the call, that dude got fired, I didn't get in any trouble and had a super easy day at work lol. I left the company shortly after but dayum was that a satisfying day after it was all over.
@k1n3k ive had similar exchanges in the past, when i worked support at websense. i was the only linux/unix guy out of maybe 35 staff. i routinely had a line outside my cube with folks asking for help
@Viss i mean, people talk to you where you build your network. If you built your network here, then your network is here. "the better conversations are happening here" *for you*.
> i asked this same exact question on bluesky at the same time. not one like, not one repost, not one reply. 100% completely ignored
This is the power of The Algorithms : P
Contrast that with the fediverse, which lacks any algorithm other than reverse-chronological, and (in Mastodon's case at least) can only reconstruct threads from the accounts followed on your server. Yet I can see pages of responses to your request for a story.