Hi @piano players, #composer s too! If someone is out there, I have a query: In this #tango https://youtu.be/I8k9xLiJGYY?si=WxMK7s2TQTiofi23&t=28, at 0:28 the piano makes an hemiola and I am trying to write it in the most possible easy to read way. I tryed crossing staffs, but I don't like it visually. This is my latest attempt, but still not sure... What do you think?
@composer @composers #musictheory #musiccomposition #musicproduction #sheetmusic #piano #pianist #music #musica
@alkaiosmusic @piano @composer @composers I personally find this incredibly difficult to read. I would consider removing all of the rests, save the initial 8th not rest, and changing the quarter notes to 8th notes, so as to appear as a single voice. Depending on how you want them articulated, maybe adding a slur from those accented notes to show those groupings.
@drukqs @piano @composer @composers Thank you, I will try that!