In major gaffe, hacked Microsoft test account was assigned admin privileges
How does a legacy test account grant access to read every Office 365 account?
@arstechnica having worked for a different MegaCorp for years I can tell you that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction when it comes to the stuff :-)
@feoh @arstechnica having spent many years myself running security and compliance for megacorps...
It's a fucking miracle that any of this shit is working right now, and everyday we stray further from this dimly lit bulb we call modern society.
spend time with those you cherish, one day it will all come crashing down.
@arstechnica Holy fucking shit, can it get any worse?
@NosirrahSec @arstechnica it will
> can it get any worse?
Windows 12, unless the awfulness of Windows 11 cripples their developers so much they can't do anything.
@arstechnica they laid off the guy in charge of reviewing account permissions.
@arstechnica I know! I know!
"How does a legacy test account grant access to read every Office 365 account?"
Think about it.
@arstechnica MS can't even keep their own exec's emails safe. What makes anyone think they care about your organization's security?