It's time to re-enjoy this golden quote about me and #curl, shown in the most awesome way.
@bagder That's the pillow Musk and Trump should sleep on (but remove the feathers first ^^ )
@bagder I’m glad that it brings you so much joy
@bagder curl has become a huge part of my web browsing experience.
@bagder I used curl today!
I used curl yesterday
@bagder so funny, but *sigh* …it should've been "who", instead of "that" …because "some guy" is not an object, but a person(EDIT: citation needed) …it's still funny, though …solid B
@mjibrower @bagder but it's not "the hobby" THAT provides the service.
It's THE GUY "who" provides their hobby as a service!
Hobby as a Service - HaaS! (thanks, mate!
@mjibrower @platymew the story about the pillow is here: - made by @LangerJan
@bagder @platymew @LangerJan Oh, that’s delightful!! Thanks for... all of it.
@platymew @mjibrower consider: the informality of the quote is essential to its appeal, and so a minor grammatical error that doesn't obscure the meaning whatsoever enhances rather than detracts from it
@avadeaux oof, i had to double-check - i DID post a beer-moji; greetings, fellow drunk person! In an inebriated / degraded state of mind scenario, your reply makes perfect sense. (i'm not trying to be snarky, here - i'm actually quite boozy, myself) …good job, we've all gotten the (thing vs. person) memo.
@platymew @bagder honestly I've never understood the rules of when you are allowed to use "that" as a relative pronoun and when you're required to use "who/which," after a lifetime speaking English
and the fact that a native speaker is unclear on the concept leads me to think these rules might be arbitrary and made-up, like rules against split infinitives and dangling prepositions
lol, I was like, "Is that true?" So I looked it up and found you.
@jon the backstory to the quote was once explained here:
@bagder idk why but I read this in the tune of Scrub by TLC
@bagder This is definitely about you, just not in Nebraska.
@ineedsleeps on my GitHub profile I have my location set to: "the curl factory, Sweden - close to Nebraska"
@ineedsleeps @bagder Beat me to it.
@bagder run this command to give Elmo 1 million dollars
curl "" -o ElmosMoney.jpg
I don't wget it.
@bagder story from a previous job: some colleagues said "we don't want to use software that was developed by some guy in his attic, we need professional software"
me: *chuckling, thinking about curl*
colleague, sounding angry: yes you're laughing but that stuff really happens
I don't think he understood why I was laughing
@bagder but what a lovely throw pillow.
Please tell me someone has made a bitmap font from that.
@argv_minus_one I generated the pattern with some online service, but I can't remember which nor which font it was:
@bagder is it still fair just to call it a "hobby" ? (specifically in the case of curl)
@bagder The problem with curl is that it's not written in a memory safe language. It's time to port curl to COBOL.
@bagder I also think it's extremely inspirational for other opensource devs; the idea that the world is just that open that if you have a good idea and you can write it out in a solid secure and performant way, everyone will just flock to you, it's a magical thing to watch unfold every time some person or group comes up with some new opensource idea that ends up changing things radically across the landscape, or things that stay around for eternity because they do it right, like Curl, Linux, etc
@bagder I feel my job would be somewhat harder without curl so I thank you
Thank you for curl! Also cute pillow.
@bagder curl merch store when??
@bagder would be nice to see how much curl contributed to openai ;). Btw curl is awesome!