I think it's going to be more important than ever that #Mastodon and the #fediverse are not centrally operated out of the US unlike almost every other social media platform out there.
@Gargron Yeah so please block out Threads
i think it's pretty black and white that threads is the same company whose algos got us into this mess
i think anyone who sees working with meta as benign is naive, at best
and i think mastodon not blocking threads is deeply unserious
you don't get "to play a serious role" serving the very same malice that mastodon was created to oppose
you get laughed at and then discarded
@benroyce, @vosje62, @thibault –
But you didn't respond to Paul's point. Wasn't the whole point of Mastodon to provide an *alternative* client for an *open* network that no individual or company needs permission to use, allowing for a plurality of values and policies across instances?
By all means, pick an inherently walled technology if that's what you want, but asking Mastodon to be that seems like asking Mastodon not to be Mastodon.
I think at this point we're well past the "if you don't let plutocrats and nazis on your network you're a hypocrite" argument, wouldn't you agree?
Freedom doesn't mean letting actors who oppose freedom free reign- a logically sound point. There is no contradiction
Because we're talking about a social contract
I grant you as much rights as I grant myself
If you use those rights to say someone doesn't deserve rights, you've voided the contract and I owe you nothing
i'm confused, maybe
this point: "ridiculously"
what do you mean
do you agree that the only way social media will ever function is if you block bigotry and trolls?
is that "opposing freedom" in your view?
i could be completely wrong, i'm just not getting a good bead on what you're saying here perhaps
We seemed to be talking about the act of criticizing or opposing the policy that permits such criticism to begin with (such as a person exercising their right to free speech by vocally opposing free speech).
I agree that act is silly and obviously self-contradictory, but I don't think that means it should be an exception to protected speech. Free speech by nature permits all kinds of silly and ridiculous speech.
what do you think of this:
everyone is assumed the right to free speech
but if you use that speech to attack freedom, you've abrogated the right
i'm not saying anything original nor profound
"We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal"
I fathom the reasoning.
But we're talking about speech, are we not? There's no destruction of freedom without someone actually doing something.
If someone amusingly uses the open Web to argue against the open Web, others get to criticize or ignore them. If they start taking hammers to servers, others should be able to call the police.
But it shouldn't happen that people are entitled to call police because someone else is using the open Web to argue against the open Web.
I don't think that's contradictory either; yours and mine are just two responses to the same problem. Mastodon's response happens to resemble mine, while people are suggesting Eugen switch to one that resembles yours. It's possible; it's just never been Eugen's goal, and those people seem not even to understand that.
What's weird to me:
Freedoms: we agree
Those who oppose freedoms: we are both opposed to those who oppose freedoms
Opposition to Opposition to freedoms: i say yes that's what i am doing. you say no, that's wrong. But it's exactly what you're doing, in your own words, in your previous comment
It's almost like you're hesitant to embrace what I am saying, but if you thought about what you yourself are saying, you'll see we're saying the same thing
As for "some guy opposes freedoms but he should be allowed to talk and be argued with." But that's what bigotry is. "This race/ religion/ sex/ orientation/ etc isn't equal": yeah, nah. we just squash it
Because there's nothing to argue with
It's just dishonesty and malice. There's nothing to gain and what they are saying is done in bad faith. Nothing is achieved by engaging with it, it's just toxic crap to lose, to improve the social commons. Or have it descend into bullshit
(Thanks for staying with me. And good to meet you someplace on the Internet, by the way.)
• Do you agree with those who hold opinion x?
• Do you think people should be forbidden to express opinion x?
You're telling me I'll discover those two questions are identical if I think about it, but the difference seems obvious. Why do you think they're identical?
I think you're also wrong about bigotry implying bad faith. "Every person with this hair colour is bad at that activity"? All that's necessary for someone to believe and repeat that in *good* faith is to be taught it by a trusted adult. Eventually asking "is that really true? What is the evidence for it? Who's studied it?", can help finally dispel it.
If people aren't allowed to talk about that stuff, how are the mistaken ones going to think to question what they've learned?
i'm a doctor. i'm trying to talk to other doctors
some dude: "vaccines don't work. vaccines = deep state. vaccines kill" etc
your instance is going to axe the account
because the point is to socialize
not spend your time educating morons on good faith engagement, honesty, and cognitive coherency
the issue isn't the rights of an idiot or troll to destroy social media
the issue is our rights to have a social media experience without lies and noise, some of it organized malice
that's disinfo. with bigotry it's even worse. with bigotry it isn't about ignorance, by design or honest ignorance, bigotry is about *denying the rights of others*. now we're talking freedom... and now we're talking about people who deny freedom... given freedom to deny freedom???
which destroys freedom
da fuq
"but how will they learn?"
who gives a fuck about some malicious moron?
the point is about *our* social experience, *our* freedom, to be free of toxic, destructive noise
"If people aren't allowed to talk about that stuff, how are the mistaken ones going to think to question what they've learned?"
they watch. and they read. and they listen
honesty is about looking and seeing first, then speaking
but if someone comes in spouting bigotry, they aren't listening, they don't want to learn, they've already decided to deny you your freedom
so if they shoot their mouth off and are squelched: "oh no i'm blocked. why? oh, i see, i'm wrong"
if you say "they aren't going to learn by being blocked, they'll just hate you and be a bigger bigot"
yes, i agree
and that's on them
we all encounter static in life. most of it undeserved. but some of it, we do deserve. and we see the person was right to respond negatively, and we have to change
but some people are like "i say whatever i want, i'm always right, never wrong"
they are the problem in this world
and they never learn
and we don't have to deal with this toxic sludge
Haven't spoken to mother since 2020. I used to joke that her favorite conversation was an argument, but that wasn't accurate. An argument implies two people are saying something at some point. She monologued, & I was lucky to get a few sentences in when she'd go on and on and on.
One night I used the words "Reagan" and "Iran-Contra" in the same sentence. Her 3+ hour tirade afterward is a chunk of time I'll never get back for sure. She just wanted a bobblehead that agreed with her.
When I started having differing opinions & stopped agreeing with her just to keep the peace, she stopped speaking to me. No big loss. I'd been walking on eggshells around her ego for about 35 years and enough was enough. I'm not on social media & don't speak to my family (because they have the same mindset & I was sick of getting bombarded with it on SM), so I don't even know if she's alive. I'm sure she clapped in glee & said plenty of racist shit against Kamala when Trump won.
@CaffeinatedBookDragon @Starfia
so many families have been ripped apart by political agendas that are happy to wield bigotry, ignorance, and lies
@benroyce @Starfia I totally understand remove organized disinfo attacks.
But I think many, many people know someone in their families - otherwise decent people - who can get completely fooled by that. Are they all too far gone? There is the additional problem that people online tend to vent more because in general, there are no consequences... Which adds to the problem Edit: complement
so you block, mute, ban, etc bigotry
and either:
1. the poor kid brought up under bigotry, but still possessing honesty and an ability to learn
2. the dishonest sludgemonster bigot
#1 will perhaps learn
#2 will say "libturds! WHARGARBBBL" and never learn
it is not our job to handhold bigots
they are in the remedial class of life
they have to learn on their own
it is not our job to have our entire social media experience destroyed by their need to learn the basics
@benroyce @Starfia I would say the question is: who is almost impossible to help, who is too "expensive" to help, and who should be helped immediately. Because when Biden won, I thought "the US can't go on like that with a 40% MAGA vote baseline. It has to go down or the next crisis could put them back in power".
But I am a teacher, so I really like education. A person with psychological issue might too weak to educate others.
then you've described your personal goal
not the standard for social media
it is absolutely noble of you to decide to figure out the honest ignorants from the dishonest ignorants, and try to help honest ones
it's just that that cannot be the standard for online discourse
because then the ignorants push the signal to noise ratio to a breaking point, and no conversation of any value can proceed for the non-ignorant, and people leave that server, and then the server dies
who cares if a bad guy thinks we're the bad guys?
and ignorance and indecency will be with us forever
it's not like germany beat nazism and then that's settled for all of human history
ignorance and indecency is just the toxic sludge of society and it's a constant maintenance effort to contain them
and please don't confuse the honest ignorant with the dishonest ignorant. the former has to learn. the latter will never learn
@benroyce @Starfia @vosje62 I meant only one, mandatory but very cheap subscription fee, otherwise you see nothing. It would be better for privacy and aggressive marketing as well...
Other option: a Gov provide social media, as an alternative? People in the US will think it's like the Pravda, but if you can have an independent justice system, you should be able to have that in a state-run social media.
> if someone uses their freedom, to destroy freedom, and we let them, then freedom itself will perish
I'm reminded of a video I saw of then-California Governor Arnie from Terminator. Who probably assumed he'd be free to give a political speech without getting egged on the way to the podium. But then he ...
"... got an egg in the chest while walking out to give a speech during his special-election run to replace Gray Davis as governor of California in 2003."
Did he respond by egging the guy back, or otherwise visiting retribution on him?
"As the video shows, Schwarzenegger calmly shed his sport coat, and allowed security to wipe him off. He did not retaliate. Instead, he cracked some jokes (and in a longer clip, defends egging as a necessary part of free speech and vibrant political discourse): 'This guy owes me bacon now', he told reporters about the unidentified assailant."
i don't understand what point you're trying to make
are you confusing racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, etc., our real topic, with arnie getting egged?
our real topic is dehumanization. rights destruction. bigotry. freedom denial
you don't deal with that gracefully. no one can. because it's endless hate. it's not a one-off political event showing arnie has good style
you're confusing jaywalking with murder