"#Trump Calls #Canada '#Tariff Abuser' After Electricity Surcharge"
you only need 2 neurons to see how stupid this is
you only need 3 neurons to see the #DARVO (deny, attack, reverse-victim-and-offender) #NPD #narcissistic personality disorder
what is so fucking baffling is how this obvious orange piece of shit is so appealing to so many #americans. it's deeply embarrassing. the #usa is fucked until we get a handle on the deeper problem here. trump is only a symptom
@benroyce what does he stand to gain from bamboozling his dwindling number of true believers that hasn’t been hacked by his policies yet? Wto doesn’t give a shit about his lies for sure
that's the thing: it never was a ploy. this is trump's essence, it's not an act. he's just this fucking stupid and this fucking narcissistic to the core
the real problem lies in how so many millions of americans found this radioactive shitstain appealing
it's a huge problem
@benroyce i guess he really is THAT stupid
people who grew up around new york city like me knew trump was a piece of shit in the 1980s
which just makes the whole phenomenon that much more cringe and embarrassing
humiliation level 10 billion
@benroyce i guess it gets turbo charged when you know you’re inadequate and you always were… plus your brain is turning to mush, so anger, disgust and fear are the only emotions to linger
i also think it's racism
electing obama filled a certain segment of america with absolute rage
there's no bottom to how many bigots are in this country
@benroyce and there are no social repercussions to being openly racist
there are some
in the real world
but anonymous social media edgelords and troll farm instead champion #racism
there is no repercussion for that (in centralized corporate social media, which also tacitly supports this effect because more outrage means more eyeballs means more engagement means more ad revenue)
and as we move away from real world social interaction to social media, this support and encouragement amplifies the toxicity
@benroyce @Kierkegaanks
The fact that a shitstain in a suit has a devoted following IS a huge problem.
Though I'm going to tell you: I've only met a handful of true believers. Mostly I've met people who called him "the lesser of two evils".
Leaving aside how ridiculous that is for a moment, the notion that 90 million people took a pass on the election is what perplexes and concerns me the most.
some #nonvoters are #rightWing turds too
we see the #toxicIdealism on the #left, the "it's not perfect so i won't #vote" because we're on #mastodon and in other social silos on the left, which amplifies our impression
still, it's a lot of people like that, enough to make a difference
which is why some of these toxic idealism voices we see are just #geopolitical #trollFarm #psyop, cosplaying their fake #leftWing bonafides and working hard to suppress the vote on the left
Absolutely. Billionaire owned social media platforms socially engineer users to vote fascist or not vote at all. At the same time, unplugging from a toxic and broken system is a rational response. Some non-voters are beautiful good people. I disagree with their choice to not vote. But I prefer to punch up at the billionaire fuckers who broke the system rather than the victims of it.
@FranceskaMann @Kierkegaanks @ohmu
i don't consider them good people
being on the #left is about advancing #society, not masturbating the ego in an ivory tower of impossible perfection. that's self-serving
we have to work hard to better society in many ways, not just a vote, yes
but voting is such an easy fucking thing to aid that
so if someone doesn't vote, they're a fucking moron
(i am NOT talking about someone who can't vote because of legal, financial, social, physical, etc reasons)
Yes, you have made your opinion clear. My opinion is that billionaires, not vulnerable people, are to blame.
@FranceskaMann @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
#plutocracy amplifies #hate on the right and #alienation on the left on purpose
the problem is we live in a #democracy (if we can keep it) so the average person matters. their choice to #vote #maga, or not vote matters
and the reasons they don't vote or vote maga is the #plutocrat influence machine, yes
but *why* does that influence work?
#socialMedia and #media #psyop work because hate and alienation is organic
we need to fight that too
which is why you and I are on mastodon.
Hate and alienation are not organic. They are contrived and manipulated. Love and empathy are organic. If you really are of the mind that hate is our natural inclination, I will block you.
@FranceskaMann @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
i believe love and empathy are organic *and* hate and alienation are organic
i will be direct, and if you block me so be it:
many people around you are good
and many people around you are hateful monsters *as their original sin*
if you waved a magic wand and removed all ignorance and indecency from society, some kid somewhere would go "hey, i hate you" and someone else laughs and likes them
and the cycle starts all over
you need to recognize that
LOL. lotta Trump flags where I live. I get it. But I am a yogi and we believe that the innermost core of our being is the ananda maya kosha, and this essence is love. People who hate are people who have poison poured into their ears all the time. Take the poison away and their natural inclination will likely shift toward love. No more hate radio or FOX news.
FWIW, my avatar killed Nazis and I would too.
You have no idea what I need. I don't like it when men mansplain, correct, and argue with women. Don't tell me what I need. I will tell you. I need to live in a society and world where men respect women.
even so-called nice men can be pretty fucking shitty. You benefit from this patriarchy and you don't even see it, then you tell me what I need. You don't know what I need, sir. I'm not an object for you to mold. I'm a person.
you're not going to get the beautiful world you desire, that i desire, until you recognize that love and hate both exist organically
your heart is pure, and i admire that
but if you take an isolated community of yogis living in pure harmony, one day a guy shows up with a gun and shoots them
just because he can
this hate, *unfortunately* (do you confuse recognition of the problem with endorsement?) exists in humanity
now you may shoot the messenger i suppose, no pun intended
You're not endorsing the hatred. But you recognize it as inevitable.
I won't shoot you! Only nazis
if we get spiritual about it, perhaps i am a Manichean at heart
dualistic cosmology
eternal struggle, yin and yang
i mean you no ill will. i admire your words, i really do
even if we cleave on such fundamental concepts, we can still be allies
i'll be shooting right besides you
thank you for educating me about Franceska Mann, she's my new Sophie Scholl
White Rose! Love her too. She was almost my avatar.
Glad we worked it through & found common ground.
@benroyce @ohmu @Kierkegaanks The Far Right AfD & the Far Left Die Linke in Germany both support Russia & oppose any increase in German defence spending, which would be intended to protect that country against Russia.
@rmblaber1956 @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
everyone is aware of the #geopolitical #trollFarm #psyop on the #farRight in the #West
not many want to admit the troll farm psyop also working the #farLeft
on the right, they amplify #hate
on the left, they amplify #alienation
well, i speak from an #American perspective
in #Europe you're far more aware of the two prong approach to divide and conquer
@benroyce @ohmu @Kierkegaanks "Divisa et imperio" has been around in Europe since the days of the Roman Empire!
@rmblaber1956 @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
it's rather impressive though, how technology means you can just reach out on social media with geopolitical troll farm, anonymously cosplaying as "fellow citizens," and warp the minds of your foe to support your malice and destroy them from within
in some ways, social media is a more terrifying weapon than the nuclear bomb
@benroyce I remember in the very early days of the internet, we got our company connected and I was part of the team testing the availability and reliability of the connection. We had a full T-1 so it was "fast." But it was remarkable to communicate in seconds with universities across the world. @rmblaber1956 @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
@benroyce BTW, this was when one could count the number of websites at under 1,000. ETS had a site, but our mail address was rosedale dot org because they were worried about getting inundated with emails. I did help get one of the early websites up and running back in the day. @rmblaber1956 @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
@RegGuy @rmblaber1956 @ohmu @Kierkegaanks
i remember those days
and the euphoria:
"with the #internet, everyone will have the knowledge of the world at their fingertips! everyone will be educated! lies and propaganda and disinfo will fade! here comes a new era of progress and advancement!"
@benroyce @RegGuy @rmblaber1956 @ohmu @Kierkegaanks I bet that's what people said about the spread of the printing press too.