"#Trump Calls #Canada '#Tariff Abuser' After Electricity Surcharge"
you only need 2 neurons to see how stupid this is
you only need 3 neurons to see the #DARVO (deny, attack, reverse-victim-and-offender) #NPD #narcissistic personality disorder
what is so fucking baffling is how this obvious orange piece of shit is so appealing to so many #americans. it's deeply embarrassing. the #usa is fucked until we get a handle on the deeper problem here. trump is only a symptom
@benroyce what does he stand to gain from bamboozling his dwindling number of true believers that hasn’t been hacked by his policies yet? Wto doesn’t give a shit about his lies for sure
that's the thing: it never was a ploy. this is trump's essence, it's not an act. he's just this fucking stupid and this fucking narcissistic to the core
the real problem lies in how so many millions of americans found this radioactive shitstain appealing
it's a huge problem
@benroyce i guess he really is THAT stupid
people who grew up around new york city like me knew trump was a piece of shit in the 1980s
which just makes the whole phenomenon that much more cringe and embarrassing
humiliation level 10 billion
@benroyce i guess it gets turbo charged when you know you’re inadequate and you always were… plus your brain is turning to mush, so anger, disgust and fear are the only emotions to linger
i also think it's racism
electing obama filled a certain segment of america with absolute rage
there's no bottom to how many bigots are in this country
@benroyce Yes, that is the thing that has gotten so many people steamed up. The other thing is the D's allow Bernie and AOC to speak for them and don't counter their "Socialism" talk. I come from Cuban immigrants and they will always vote against even the hint of Socialism. So will a lot of others. While I've always been a strong D, too many of my relatives are strong R. @Kierkegaanks
i find it interesting #Trump doesn't threaten to invade #Cuba
from a purely moron-#American #ultranationalist #imperialist perspective, it works. it works from the "evil #socialism" perspective
it even works from the hardcore #rightWing #CubanAmerican "Bay of Pigs was the greatest tragedy ever" perspective
but Trump goes after #Greenland and #Panama, #Canada and #Mexico instead
interesting that, no?
@benroyce @Kierkegaanks Truly, and talk about a fantastic place for resorts!
@benroyce Interesting to me. My Spanish teacher in ‘65-6 was jailed 2- years after Bay of Pigs & traded for a Ford tractor.
Cesar Noble, 1932-2022, rip.
and the arrogance that led to the bay of pigs is back
i wonder how many trump can convince to get on a boat and invade greenland
it will make bay of pigs look professional and credible
@benroyce The French submarine in Halifax, NS.
@benroyce @RegGuy @Kierkegaanks I personally think the reason is that Cuba is not that important, geopolitically speaking.
Also, this whole thread is very interesting, with multiple different perspectives. (But at least we all agree that Trump and people like him are a scourge for humanity! )