This¹ popped into my feed again, and I want to add something else: being a bit shit at stuff and doing it anyway is specifically a radical, anti-capitalist act. An underlying reason you want to do things well is because you’ve internalised the lesson that stuff only has value if it literally has economic value – if you can sell it.
Post your wonky drawings. Throw an ungainly pot. Make sub-par dinners. You’re literally smashing the system.
¹ From @ITOmarHernandez, reposted by @girlonthenet
Data point: apparently 100 boosts is about the level a post can get to before the reply-guys start reply-guying. The very definition of ‘critical mass’…
I am shocked — SHOCKED — that the above post is Doing Numbers® on Masto and basically sank without a trace on Threads, Insta and, lol, LinkedIn. WHAT COULD ACCOUNT FOR THIS??
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet precisely the point of my mediocre book reviews on my mediocre tracker-free unmonetized website. Throw it up in webspace for the heck of it because I can, like it’s 2003
@jillrhudy Yay for mediocrity!
@chrisphin half-ass it for the People and stick it to the Man! And for all I know there *are* no people because I don’t believe in analytics or tracking! The possibility of free anonymous users is good enough for me!
@chrisphin wow! What an antidote to my crippling perfectionism. Trying so hard to grow out of it.
@jillrhudy We’ll get through it! There is a glorious half-assed future ahead of us, and all we have to do is… not strive for it.
@chrisphin I’m on it! Sort of!
@jillrhudy THAT’S THE SPIRIT!
@drukac @chrisphin Printing this and putting it in my cubicle
A cubicle is the perfect place for it. A cubicle starts as an office and they cut so many corners the top half comes off! Then our employers look at them and go "it'll do".
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet @mrbarrington it's a good quote, but pretty sure not by KV. As far as I know, it's this comment on a Tumblr post mentioning KV, that since has been attributed to KV himself:
@mario yes, I was made aware and stated in a follow up to the post
@ITOmarHernandez sorry, didn't see that!
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet
I like your thoughts, but I'm not sure if I totally agree. You might also like to make a really nice tasting dinner so your friends enjoy it - more than a bad tasting one.
Or like to sew a good fitting outfit more than a bad fitting one.
@discoveringnature Then don't agree. That is your prerogative.
Being good at something might be important to you, enjoying that thing and getting richness and fulfillment in doing the thing is what I'm seeking. No need to yuck my yum.
I'm sorry, my english isn't that good: what does "yuck my yum" mean?
But it's not that I didn't like what you wrote. And I'm not a fan of capitalism. It's just that I thought, that trying to do something good doesn't HAVE be part of the capitalistic system.
And I really like the quote you qouted.
(I just noticed that my first reaction was on something someone else wrote)
@discoveringnature “Don't yuck my yum” means Don't criticize this thing I like. If you don't like something and someone else does, don't spoil their joy unless you're adversely affected. Perhaps you were not doing that, but it read that way to me.
I'm no fan of capitalism either and doing something well (or not) wasn't the point (at least not for me) but seeing who/why you mentioned that, I think I understand your reaction now. Sorry for the confusion.
@chrisphin It's utterly hilarious to me when the reply guys start replying to fucking *jokes* I post here. Do you actually need me to explain the punchline to you, or are you just being an absolute fucking knob? If the answer to both is "yes," please walk into the sea immediately.
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet
YES. I've (luckily) adapted this mindset fairly early on in life and I don't think I could've ever found out the things I'm actually good at (spoilers: it wasn't what I thought I'd be good at, nor what my environment stimulated me to do).
Aside from that I found SO many things I'm "meh" at, yet enjoy greatly. It has made my life so much more full and diverse and I've met many wonderful like-minded souls too :)
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet
What a wonderful story, including note: Thank you for sharing!!!
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet
100% disagree. The reason I want to do things well is because I WANT TO DO THINGS WELL. Wanting to sell it has nothing to do with it.
Wanting to do something well doesn’t mean you can’t show the journey(wonky pics or bad dinner). It doesn’t mean you cannot try stuff.
It means you try your best. When I worked in fast food as a teen, I hated it, and still made a good burger.
I say “Don’t embrace mediocrity. Try hard. Do your best.”
I think it's more that not being good at something isn't a reason to stop doing or enjoying it! There's a balance in life that is different for everyone.
100% agree with that. I’m more in disagreement with the suggestion that wanting to be good at something is based on the desire to monetize it.
I think people, certainly me, want to be good at things because that is our nature.
However, the fear of not being good at a thing should not prevent you trying trying or doing it if you enjoy it.
I think we are closer than farther on this.
I used to play a game online with a group of friends. It was great fun, but then some of the group started to take it really seriously and try and do everything the best way possible, strategy, class picks whatever. It got in the way of having fun for me and some others so we stopped playing.
To do the best job possible in that would have been at the cost of time to do other things.
What I would suggest is that there was a mismatch between you and those people. To some, their best is casual. To others, it’s boning up on strategy.
Your best seems to be more on the casual side and the best of your buddies was leaning towards less casual.
Everyone’s best isn’t going to have the same input or outcome.
I take taekwondo. I spared with people from kids to grandparents. Their best was rangy and I treated them all accordingly.
But we asked that they do their best.
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet, well no I do stuff well because doing something well give me pleasure, doing something badly is frustrating to me. I practice to make sure I| d things well, and somethings you only do well after long practice
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet This is key to our philosophy of #Lichtenbergianism: #MakeTheThingThatIsNot, make it wrong, fix it. Or not: Failure is always an option!
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet Vonnegut, how awesome is that?
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet I really needed to read this today. Thanks!
@djohngo Yay! Go smash capitalism by taking a rubbish photo of a duck!
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet When people ask me how I have so many hobbies I say ah but it’s only one hobby really: being bad at things.
@greg Ironically, you're really good at that hobby.
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet works great for art, less well for engineering
@chrisphin Excellent! When I finally release a new album after well over ten years and sell precisely no copies, I will put that down to being a radical anti-capitalist act. :D
@craiggrannell Yes, comrade.
@chrisphin @ITOmarHernandez @girlonthenet
My sub-par dinners are legendary