Apple TV's "what did he say?" feature was specifically built for when Butcher talks in The Boys
@christianselig I only bought an Apple TV fairly recently, but this feature would’ve sold me a lot earlier.
@christianselig does it work in Prime video?
@christianselig lol true! And how sure he’s when he talks always makes me think is my fault for not understanding it.
@christianselig you wot? Fahkin’ stuttah, did I? Eh? Bunch a bollocks, in’it?
@christianselig That is… good god man, you’re a genius!
@christianselig agreed. His accent is terrible.
@i_jason Aww I love it, just hard to understand sometimes
@christianselig as an English person, it’s safe to say he Butchers the accent.
@christianselig Or Gerald in Clarkson Farm.
@kylesethgray Thanks haha, it definitely was. And yay, glad to hear about the UK and please let me know what you think when you get it!