@supernovae@universeodon.com @damonoutlaw @mekkaokereke @atomicpoet Thanks for the kind words! But tbh I don't think I or many others deserve much credit here. My takeaway from the list is that yes, there is >0 happening on most items (though definitely not all); but what progress exists is still nascent. I'd love more people getting involved to work on these issues, but most of that needs to flow through Mastodon itself I think. Would love other ideas though.
@davidslifka @supernovae@universeodon.com @damonoutlaw @mekkaokereke David, I personally think emphasizing Mastodon over the rest of the Fediverse is a tactical mistake. So I'm just going to suggest this.
There are several members of the Black community that are working on their own implementations of Fediverse apps -- both server and client software. I've seen demos. They look fantastic.
I think it's important to boost what these devs are doing.
@atomicpoet @davidslifka @supernovae @mekkaokereke I agree. Let’s not ignore the #fediverse in my discord server I’ve attempted to provide some resources to help educate people on
@damonoutlaw @atomicpoet @supernovae@universeodon.com @mekkaokereke Which Discord server is that please, thanks?
@atomicpoet @davidslifka @supernovae @damonoutlaw
David! Great distillation/ collation of these issues!
@are0h made the same point about not focusing purely on Mastodon, but needing to start small, so his initial plan focuses on Mastodon and [miss/calc]Key.
@mekkaokereke @davidslifka @supernovae@universeodon.com @damonoutlaw That’s big news! I’m already donating to his project, Fipamo without even knowing he was working on his own *key.
By the way, have you spoken with @darnell? He has a lot of expertise about different aspects of the Fediverse. He also runs a #Misskey server, and is also familiar with its forks.
@atomicpoet @mekkaokereke @davidslifka @supernovae @damonoutlaw That is really cool! Yes, I am aware @Are0h is working on something awesome.
Folks need to realize that #Mastodon is just one flavor of the #Fediverse. I really enjoy #Misskey (it’s a super vibrant, happy community) as well as #WriteFreely & #Pixelfed.
Misskey (& #Calckey) already have many of the features people are requesting Mastodon to implement, so people can sign up or setup an instance that suits their fancy.
@mekkaokereke @atomicpoet @supernovae@universeodon.com @damonoutlaw Thanks so much, coming from you that means a ton!
I haven't seen/couldn't find the plan you mention by @are0h, is there a public copy please? Thanks!
@davidslifka @atomicpoet @supernovae @damonoutlaw
He hasn't finished writing it yet! We want this to be a full proposal (PRD), as if a great big for profit company has produced it. It'll take him about a month. It'll require talking to devs, admins, mods, Users, (and you? ), etc.
It's not a small job.
@mekkaokereke @davidslifka @atomicpoet @supernovae I’m really excited about this
@davidslifka @supernovae @damonoutlaw @mekkaokereke @atomicpoet it’s not really clear to me that most of this needs to flow through Mastodon.
For moderation needs, I would prefer to align on an open model (e.g. webhooks) that allows instances to integrate with specialized moderation tools & services. That would allow folks to leverage existing tools as well as experiment with new approaches, rather than putting all of our eggs into one basket.
@mconnor @supernovae@universeodon.com @damonoutlaw @mekkaokereke @atomicpoet Agreed, the moderation stuff is feasible without Mastodon. It's more the technical parts (and communication around them) that would be hard to do without Mastodon, unless there's a widespread shift to a different platform.