The Muppets have taken Manhattan. There were no survivors
Oh no!
Did they get The Bronx & Staten Island too?
@donni Snake Plissken would like to know your location
@donni It's revenge for Fozzie being murdered and stuffed in a dumpster...
@donni This sounds like something you'd hear from a fake news TV anchor like Howard Handupme. He's nothing but a corporate puppet.
@WearsHats @donni I doubt anything that old dinosaur says.
@donni Oh sure, Muppet Manhattan looks cute and colourful and you've got Big Bird and they all burst into song occasionally and nobody is mean.....but then you think about the genocide that paid for it all......nope.
Now! On to Berlin!
@donni i’m imagining the muppets escape from new york and it fucking rules
my condolences to the muppets
@donni The 80's were a rough time for Manhattan, first it gets taken by the Muppets, then Jason Voorhees. Just went from one brutal occupation to another.
@donni Wokka-wokka-wokka!