Happy 40th anniversary to the announcement of IBM's famous flop, the IBM PCjr!
The Oldskool PC - The IBM PCjr, Part 1: The road to hell is paved with good intentions
@dosnostalgic well, it inspired Tandy 1000 computers
@dosnostalgic Was there ever a world where this was successful given how much better and cheaper home computers were for things like games and multimedia at the time?
@SHODAN I mean, in a way it was. After Tandy picked it up.
@dosnostalgic Very true, just seems a hard sell given the home computers on sale at the time. I suppose there had to be a breakthrough moment when those systems started to become serious competitors to Commodore and such.
@SHODAN Yes, some things about it were a little too late, while others were a bit early. It was still a costly IBM machine with proprietary architecture with what turned out to be a very limited market appeal.
@dosnostalgic It may have been a flop, but I really wish I had one.
@Sylvhem They are neat, but kind of a pain to use today because of their unique architecture.
@dosnostalgic I loved my PCjr. The differences vs the regular PC inspired me to reverse engineer games so that I could hack them to run on it. I got top marks at the state science fair for studying its sound generation vs other computers at the time. And once you expanded the RAM above 128k, you could load a TSR that would claim all the "slow" memory and things would run at full speed.
@dosnostalgic late to the party but i was reminded of this demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWOE4FNZuqE