I'll admit my initial scanning of this headline had me going "Donald Duck is part of the debates now?"
#Scanning #Headlines #politics
@emsquared he’d be more coherent for sure :)
No. It wasn't that coherent.
@lionelb I hope it was intentional. Slow day at the Indy.
@emsquared Of course, that is a nickname being applied to #Trump for chickening out of a second #debate with #Harris. Either way, voters think he’s fowl.
@MessagingMatters I see what you did there ;-)
@emsquared I wonder if the editor who wrote the headline was trying to lowkey evoke memories of him repeating the "immigrants are eating ducks and kittens" BS.
@guyjantic Surely a headline written and approved with a knowing smile.
@emsquared @guyjantic in the UK you could be confident that that was intentional. No headline pun is left unpunned
@blueorangeblue @emsquared Not sure how I could forget that I've been a fan of UK headlines for years. They're amazing.
I submit that the editor knew what was what when he approved the headline "Donald ducks second TV debate with Kamala Harris" …
"No, it can't be 'Duck's' – change that to 'ducks' and print!"
Photo of Donald Duck figurine taken by Tony Takitani (CC BY-ND 2.0), 24 Dec 2010, via Flickr
Link to source:
@romanalanwrites I can hear said duck impersonation in my mind. Very good.
@emsquared Tell me more about Donald Duck's second TV debate with Kamala Harris
@elset I wish I could. I was feeling gutted that I missed the first one.
@emsquared Thank goodness (and English teachers) for a headline writer who knew not to insert an apostrophe!
@Karen5Lund tactical English
@emsquared inspired writing
@outie Isn't it?
@emsquared They knew exactly what they were doing
@leonerd you'd hope.
@emsquared Oh wow someone needs to swap trump for Donald Duck in some of the more deranged debate clips.
@emsquared I would vote for a duck. Ducks are trustworthy, and will surely push for a change in hunting legislations.
@adamantichrist Ha. You would hope.Is it too late for a surprise duck candidate?
@emsquared He's ducking out? What's a matter Donald, chicken?