The article "Classic Unreal Tournament and Unreal now easier to download free thanks to OldUnreal" was updated, with a statement from Epic Games to confirm it's totally fine
@gamingonlinux this is great news! I thought it was a goner :S
@gamingonlinux nice to see that from a company like Epic
@gamingonlinux no thanks, free is too much. I played UT back in the day, but soon grew tired of the machismo, the "stupid bitch" emotes from the bots, etc. Hard fucking pass.
@gamingonlinux I still have the original UT99 on my drive and I bet it still works without any patches. Unreal Engine from back then just worked on all versions of Windows without modifications, even through Win98 to Win2000 and WinXP migration which broke the most games.
@gamingonlinux I've got plenty of criticism for Epic, but if they're not going to maintain or distribute classic titles then this is unquestionably the proper response. Good for them.
@gamingonlinux Do you play Planetside 2? It works good on Linux with most distros.
@gamingonlinux Too bad. Been so good battles the last few days!