Does anyone know if there is a way to turn my Mastodon feed into some sort of RSS feed or otherwise?
I use a #FOSS dashboard called Glance to collect my feeds and website - I have Mastodon linked currently, but, would love to make a feed from two of the lists I've created so I can quickly take a quick look at them.
@FediTips not sure if you know of a way?
Update on my search:
Through the comments, found that any hashtag or user can be turned into an RSS by appending [.rss] to the URL.
Lists cannot be turned into an RSS as far as I can tell.
@geoff_eg Hmm ... every account, hashtag, or combination thereof has an RSS feed, but I am not sure lists do, as you'd need to be authenticated for that
So the quickest way might be to recreate the list in your dashboard, if there is no specialised client that does this for you.
@sindarina That' unfortunate to hear. I wonder if there is a faster way to "recreate" or pull that. It seems its because lists are tied to the account login and are effectively private.
@geoff_eg @FediTips I use this with any RSS reader:
@geoff_eg You don't even need to append ‘.rss’ if you have a decent RSS reader, as it will automatically detect it for you.
Basic syntax at the account level;
For all posts on your instance tagged with #ExampleHashtag;
And for #ExampleHashtag from a specific account;
Will get you both public and unlisted (quiet public) posts at the account level.
@sindarina This is fantastic info to have. Thank you for writing this up to clarify.