I have published a new blog post:
HortusFox v4.5 was just released
Read it here:

I have published a new blog post:
HortusFox v4.5 was just released
Read it here:
US Law: Government employees are prohibited to use #Signal
EU peeps: I hate Zuck, I hate #WhatsApp, let’s use Signal!
Go #FOSS, go #European, go #Decentralized, go #DeltaChat
Does anyone know of a FOSS android app or PWA that could track dog walks? It doesn't necessarily need to be focused on dogs, just something that can show me the route we took and length without giving that data to google or some shit.
Make VoWiFi calls from an open source client using asterisk: https://osmocom.org/news/297 - osmocom main contributor @sysmocom has recently released a forked version of asterisk that can be used to make VoWiFi calls using nothing but FOSS, a smart card reader and a SIM card. #foss #opensource #telecom #3gpp
UPDATE: We're excited to announce 15 new organizations have endorsed the #UN #OpenSource Principles, including:
@europeanOSacademy @LINAGORA @matrix @nextcloud @OpenForumEurope @OpenInfra @okfn @sovtechfund @tdforg @gnome @LPI
These principles are practical ways to promote #FOSS to those who can benefit from its power and freedoms.
Ironic how the Trump administration relies on #FOSS and @signalapp while undermining democracy. I can already hear people asking: 'Is Signal still safe?' I'd say yes—because it's open source, and I trust the community to keep it that way.
Всё думаю о @delta
Если я правильно понял идею проекта, то используется идентификатор любой почты и облачное хранилище почтовых серверов для хранения информации чатов. А сами сообщения пересылаются в виде зашифрованных писем.
Вроде бы очешуительная идея использовать мощности корпораций (почтовых провайдеров) без доступа к данным? #deltachat #foss
Или я что-то упускаю?
Version 4.5 of HortusFox was just published!
More here:
Is there a less fancy clock app for Android? Ideally FOSS.
I need to run multiple timers, whilst the one comes with Moto works - it keeps switching order and not showing enough on the screen. I really just need something plain and simple.
Linux News: GNU Linux-Libre 6.14 Kernel Released for Those Seeking 100% Freedom for Their PCs https://9to5linux.com/gnu-linux-libre-6-14-kernel-released-for-those-seeking-100-freedom-for-their-pcs #news #FOSS #linux
In-Process is now available, featuring all the info on CSUN ATC 2025, Thorium Reader, how the NVDA 2025.1 Update is going, Open-Source software and a new RH Voice Update! Read it all here: https://www.nvaccess.org/post/in-process-25th-march-2025/ and don't forget to subscribe via email: https://eepurl.com/iuVyjo
Just one Week left to apply for a talk at Augsburger Linux-Infotag by Linux User Group Augsburg (LUGA) on 26 April 2025 in Technische Hochschule Augsburg in #Augsburg, #Germany
#lit2025 #AugsburgerLinux-Infotag #LinuxUserGroupAugsburg(LUGA) #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe
Dear #introvert #FOSS #developers,
writing good and useful software is not enough. If no one talks or writes about it, then no one will find and use your project, no matter how awesome it is.
Discoverability and marketing is way more impactful than code quality or features. That's a sad truth. So, be visible! Be proud of your stuff! I know it's hard and exhausting, but do not stop until you reach critical mass and others start talking about it for you. Support those that do. It helps a lot!
@pmidden @robinp there are integrations for various commercial, free and also open source collaboration and knowledge management tools like confluence, obsidian and logseq. The latter is not only FOSS but is useful - as is - for taking notes, (process) modeling, creating knowledge graphs and visualizations...
I am looking for a non electron-based REST client, so no Postman, Insomnia or Bruno. I may go with a vscode extension but since I want to ditch vscode, I would like to try something else. Who tried Yaak? Is it any good? Beside CLI apps HTTPie and xh, is there a good TUI?
A boost a day, keep hungry apps aways.
Linux News: GIMP 3.0.2 Image Editor Improves the Flatpak Bundle and Fixes Various Issues https://9to5linux.com/gimp-3-0-2-image-editor-improves-the-flatpak-bundle-and-fixes-various-issues #news #FOSS #linux
Interessantes Interview zu #OpenSource bei der Stadt #Dortmund und darüber hinaus https://opendata.okfn.de/books/open-data-in-der-praxis/page/christian-nahle-geschaftsfuhrer-von-do-foss-der-initiative-fur-den-einsatz-freier-und-open-source-software-bei-der-stadt-dortmund
#foss #public #verwaltung #digitalisierung
Découvrez le 3ème numéro de notre veille technique !
Flux RSS : https://www.arawa.fr/category/veille-technique/feed/
#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #Nextcloud #CollaboraOnline #Collabora #OnlyOffice #BBB #BigBlueButton
I'm tired of all these stupid license discussions, so I made my own:
---DRGN License V1.0---
You may freely use, modify and propagate modified as well as unmodified versions of the licensed project while upholding the following conditions:
1. All revenue you make must be donated towards turning people into dragons.
2. You must always provide users with a way to freely access the software, as long as their usage/modification of it helps people turn into dragons.
Did you guys know? I’m one of the people translating Veloren into German! If you haven’t played it yet, give it a try! The servers are pretty empty, and it’s sad to see fewer players. Let’s bring more life to the game!