@Gargron It's been days now, and I'm still having terrible issues with the advanced interface. It's virtually unusable without constantly refreshing.
@GottaLaff I’m very sorry you’re having issues. I’ll check if I can replicate these issues on my MacBook. As Lisa mentioned, browser extensions that modify page contents can often be the culprit in such cases, but I need to look into it.
@Gargron Ooh! Please say more. I don't have many extensions installed, but don't have the time to test them all.
Plus, tbh, masto is the site that fails regularly lately.
@Gargron My issues are no doubt not the same as Laffy's, and hers definitely warrant more attention. I did disable two Safari extensions and my (images not loading, columns not showing properly) issues seem improved. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks!