M-Net’s Altos 68000 getting cleaned up for the Interim Computer Festival this weekend. Access the current incarnation of M-Net/Arbornet at SDF Vintage Systems https://sdf.org #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #community
@SDF Wow, I have very fond memories of this machine as it was the first instance of netmbx, our public access Unix system that was later running on a Xenix box. It had a couple of dialin modems connected to it and polled tub aka db0tui6 using UUCP
#N netmbx
#S Altos 68000; Unix SysIII
#O netmbx Berlin
#C Ralf Moritz †
#E mor...@netmbx.uucp
#T +49 30 87 81 24
#P Woerther Str. 36, D-1000 Berlin 20, W. Germany
#L 52 31 N / 13 24 E city
#W mor...@netmbx.uucp; 870530
netmbx tub(DAILY)