We could have had Mario XP 20 for Windows Platinum Edition Pro Service Pack SP3. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2023/09/xbox-almost-flashed-its-cash-at-warner-bros-sees-nintendo-as-the-holy-grail
@harrymccracken Nintendo needs to realize their future is away from their own hardware? Wow, the denial is strong over there in Redmond.
*Looks at the PS5, THREE Switches and 0 Xboxes in my house*
@dssstrkl @harrymccracken only one switch but yeah, no reason for an Xbox
@bynkii @harrymccracken It was the only way to keep peace in the house with the two kids
@dssstrkl @harrymccracken another reason mine’s an only
@bynkii @harrymccracken LOL, that’s not something I was thinking about during the family planning stage