This Global #Recycling Day, let’s talk about our favorite way to reduce waste: repair!
Recycling is inefficient, complex, and time consuming. It should be the very last step in a long line of alternatives. While Reduce and Reuse are the best options, we think the missing R is Repair.
Here's why:
#iFixit #GlobalRecyclingDay #RightToRepair
@iFixit I'll add "Retro" to the list. We shouldn't only repair hardware that is still current; obsolete hardware may still have a useful life.
For example, manufacturers should be obligated to release full hardware schematics and complete firmware source code for discontinued products. Also, documentation on server APIs that it might have depended upon.
Reduce, Reuse, Repair, (years later) Retro, and only then Recycle.
#retro #retrocomputing #retrogaming
@carlosefr @iFixit i have (among others) well working >15yrs old laptop with xp especially for my old (>20 yrs) applications and I love use them
@Barbara_Sliwinska @carlosefr @iFixit Windows XP is End of Life and doesn't have security updates which may lead to having the computer being infected with malware and being a part of a botnet.
Check out AntiX as a way to give old computers new life while still having access to more modern software & security updates! You may find that you may likely will still be able to run your old applications with wine/proton.
@ProfessorBoop @carlosefr @iFixit nevermind, I use it only offline.
for online works have other machines, and every document/ file from web is first checked by them.
@carlosefr @iFixit We're actually just because of default. We should all know what kind of firmer we have. We should all know what kind of schematics is. If I should know everything about the device. So if a repair person needs to fix it or I need to fix it. I can know what I need to know.
@iFixit That is why I use turntables with vinyls. I can fix it anytime. Same with my guitar amps, all handwired no circuit board. For computers it is very tricky though. I use Linux (Ubuntu, Mate) to make my computers last longer.
@iFixit where I live everywhere that takes e-waste won't let you go through it for parts. pisses me off
@amsomniac very annoying! One would think that letting you rebuy it for a few percent above scrap price could be easy profit for them.
@Malfunct they have a deal with OEMs, I think, the point of which is mostly to keep electronics prices high
@Malfunct (well, I think that's the point. they haven't straight-up said that that's why, but I don't think they're refurbishing anything. maybe they are and I'm not giving them enough credit)
doesn't Reuse *technically* include Repair?
@iFixit Am gettingb annoyed that there's no law that force companies to make products where the user always can easy replace the batteries.
Looking for small radio, preffereable with (rechargable) AA batteries. But the trend is to make them with rechargable build in batties you charge with USB. So after a few years you can throw the device away because the battery is deads or bloated. And repair is not easy option or more expensive then new one.
@iFixit You seem to ignore the most powerful force creating waste: End of Life support. Now web sites will NOT run if you do not have the latest software. HP printers will stop functioning (perhaps that was just a dream that they would).
On the first position I would put
Keep what you have !
Much garbage is created not because things are broken but because people don't like them anymore (fashion, electronics, furniture, ...)
@iFixit Pretty sure repair would fall under "reuse".
@iFixit I always included repair under "Reuse" as I repair the item to reuse it.
Kind of 40 years of well trained consumism.
Who still knows how to fix a bicycle, like flat tyres, lights or brakes?
And: nowadays there are a bunch of computers and smartphones lying around, most functional. But outdated software. So what to do.. Some go to the recycling, but especially those elder origin IBM Thinkpads, in this case T20 and 390E are kept for the reason to be sold. Maybe for some special need. They are still running fine.
There is nothing to talk about... It should be done