So, guess who has two thumbs and was so tired he got the date for Black Friday wrong.
Anyway, yes, I'll do a Black Friday sale, but _next_ week.
@jamesthomson According to Capitalism, Black Friday is now immediately after Halloween, until Christmas eve.
@jamesthomson Calendar math is hard.
@jamesthomson Black Faraday sale!
@jamesthomson Space Grey/Black Friday.
@jamesthomson Don't know about Scotland , but everyday since July 4th seems to have been Black Friday on this side of the pond.
@jamesthomson Black Watch Friday. A special Dice theme for Apple Watch, from the Scottish Borders.
@jamesthomson but it just kinda feels like it should be this week! The only reason I knew it’s not is that my dad told me
@jamesthomson well that’s just unhelpful!
@rhl__ @jamesthomson is amerisplaining a thing? I’d make it a thing, but I never want to try spelling that word again.
Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of the month, and Black Friday is the day after. Since Nov. 1st was a Friday, Turkey Day is as late as possible (28th) this year.
But we can’t let that get in the way of a good pre-Christmas sales season, can we?
@jamesthomson Thanksgiving really is a week late this year IMO
@jamesthomson Feel free to list it on Indie App Sales! I _think_ we got the date of the sale right
@matt1corey Yes, I will definitely do that!
@jamesthomson Don’t feel bad, Amazon has no clue either.
@jamesthomson You and I both.
I lowered the price and updated the promotional text of Runestone earlier today. Only when I was about to post about the sale on Mastodon did I realize I was off by a week.
@simonbs That makes me feel a lot better to be honest!
@jamesthomson @simonbs Pretend it's intentional, start a trend! Call it "Black Month" or something
Another view you just joined the trend to have Black Friday pricing last two weeks.
I wanted to buy a 5k monitor for my wife’s soon to be MacBook Air. My price alert of a Samsung S9 just dinged. Down $C500 to $1000. Massive discount. Purchased
@jamesthomson I just thought you had the same calendar as @Moltz
@jamesthomson Look it's easy, it's the day after whenever UK Thanksgiving is. When is that, March?
@jsnell The British Empire is thankful to no-one!
@jamesthomson @jsnell not with that attitude. Restore the Stuarts and shake off the English! Or, you know, join the EU. Then every day can be thanksgiving.
@jamesthomson @jsnell We’re quite thankful for everyone letting us nick their stuff
@jamesthomson Did you use @Moltz’s calendar?
@jamesthomson it’s the day after my birthday James
@lexfri You remain consistently younger than me, it's disturbing.
@jamesthomson @lexfri Wait, so I'm older than both you AND Lex?
Well, that's depressing.
@sarahhbickerton @jamesthomson @lexfri Now I feel even older!
@jamesthomson @lexfri it’s probably imperial math versus metric.
@jamesthomson I was a bit confused as to why it would be ending the Monday before Black Friday but I know they do things differently across the pond...