Kianga hasn't figured out yet how to stop bullets in mid-air, but he's gotten pretty good at dodging them!
A little homage to The Matrix, for the first day of Charrtober.
Charrtober 2021: III - AMBIGUOUS
This place is crazier than the Mad King's Labyrinth...
(I wonder if someone recognizes the place)
Charrtober 2021: V - DECEPTIVE
I wonder who would build a grenade disguised as an apple...
Charrtober 2021: VII - ASH
For the four legion prompts this month, we're mixing cocktails! The "Cloak and Dagger" (shaken AND stirred) is popular among Ash Legion agents - goes down smooth but packs a punch!
#Charrtober 2021: X - THICKHEADED
While "head through the wall" can be a viable tactic, it is important to recognize the difference between a brick wall and steel-reinforced concrete.
#Charrtober 2021: XI - BOASTFUL
"Weight lifting with gym equipment? Come on, that's for cubs."
This prompt was sponsored by my patron Lacsap - who is hiding in the tank, see if you can find him! Thank you for your support!
#Charrtober 2021: XII - SHREDDED
There's more than one way to get shredded. This one involved a cat.
#Charrtober 2021: XIII - DISCIPLINED
Not sure what happened here, but it's safe to assume Kianga has had better days.
#Charrtober 2021: XIV - BLOOD
The "Slice and Dice" is a Blood Legion favorite: Blood whiskey, a slice of blood orange, and raw diced beef. Mmmm.
#Charrtober 2021: XV - TENDER
Shhh, don't wake the sleeping warrior...
Featuring the adorable charr plushie made by my partner Kiza:
#Charrtober 2021: XVI - REPENTANT
(He's not.)
This prompt was a struggle. Chocolate... sin... repentant...? Oh, I dunno.
#Charrtober 2021: XVII - HOT
Mmm, hot springs! Time for a warrior to relax with his, uh, Blood Legion tactical water exercise... duck.
Today's scene was sponsored by my patron Warrick, who also gets to join the fun! Thank you for your support!
#Charrtober 2021: XIX - EQUAL
Long or short tail fur - I can promise you, it won't make a difference if you meet them on the battlefield.
#Charrtober 2021: XX - TORTURED
There are ways to make a charr talk.
Today's scene was kindly sponsored by my patron Ripa! I'd like to assure everyone that no charr were harmed in the making of this scene, and all were properly fed afterwards.
#Charrtober 2021: XXI - FLAME
"Titan's Blood" was a popular cocktail among the shamans of the old Flame Legion. Needless to say, it's a little... spicy.
Thanks to my patron Ignado for the name suggestion!
#Charrtober 2021: XXII - INGENIOUS
How would a charr soldier wear their dog tag? A chain around their massive neck would have to be awkwardly long, so I thought: why not use an engraved wristband instead?
Maybe not exactly "ingenious" but I just wanted to make something shiny and mechanical and I've had this wristband dog tag idea for a while now. Seemed like a good opportunity.
Charrtober 2021: XXIII - ASSEMBLED
"The latest in weapons technology from Cantha", that dealer from Lion's Arch had said. If only it had come with assembly instructions...
#Charrtober 2021: XXIV - FORWARD
It's Supercharr!
Because there is no such thing as "too absurd" for Charrtober.
#Charrtober 2021: XXVI - UNSTOPPABLE
After Kianga's mishap on day 10, Garro is showing us how head-through-the-wall is really done.
Today's scene was sponsored by my patron Tabra - thank you for your support!
#Charrtober 2021: XXVII - TORN
If you think werewolves are scary, imagine what ancient magic the curse of lycanthropy might awaken in a charr.
#Charrtober 2021: XXVIII - IRON
Last cocktail for this Charrtober: Iron Legion calls this one "Engine Grease" and you probably don't want to know how it's made.
#Charrtober 2021: XXX - LEGION
Originally I wanted to render an animation with all the charr I had ever made, but it turned out Blender and/or my hardware can't handle this. A whole legion of Kiangas worked fine though!