Heard something about PixelFed being connected to Mastodon. If thats true, Im confused on how PixelFed works. I made an account but im not sure if Im working it right.
@kingcalypso if I have this right, it's basically another server, with some changes to make photos the priority.
You can follow Pixelfed accounts from your mastodon client, and I believe you can follow mastodon accounts from the Pixelfed client.
Some (or maybe all) mastodon clients will allow you to sign into/use your Pixelfed account from them, though this is not always full featured right now?
I'm on Pachli for mastodon at the moment, but my Pixelfed account is also logged in here.
@kingcalypso I'm so not an expert, but if i copy a user's name from Pixelfed, search for it on Mastodon, it will come up so I can follow it here . And if I search for my Mastodon username over on Pixelfed, it shows up on that app. My Pixelfed username is different, so i know it's the Mastodon account I'm following on Pixelfed. Now i'm wondering if i should use the Mastodon account to post to PF and delete the PF username...more research needed, I guess And I know that's do-able, just wondering if there are downsides.
Yeah, it's clunky, but I'm pretty sure the plan is to make finding people more seamless (somehow, not sure how that would work).