@laurahelmuth At least these have some yellow on them. My birder friends always refer to the almost indistinguishable birds in their garden as LBJs - Little Brown Jobs.
@laurahelmuth "this year I will get better at warbler identification", i tell myself, every year
I was getting pretty good at IDing them when Covid hit and we stopped going out much. Now, most of them I know are a Warbler but which kind is usually a mystery.
@laurahelmuth This has been the main frustration of my inaugural year of (logged) bird watching: the suspicion that you’ve misidentified something. Warblers, yes, but I also have trouble with swallows. They never sit still.
@laurahelmuth Australian birder here. Afraid to go to north America or Europe just because of the sparrows. How many calls do you have to learn just for a morning walk???
@laurahelmuth thanks this hurts my brain
@laurahelmuth Not on my continent.
@laurahelmuth Once when I lived in a place with Norway spruces I had a warbler that stayed the winter and members of the local birding club would come with their binoculars and end up arguing about what species it was. I think one faction said it was an orange-crowned. I forget the other.
@laurahelmuth Right now though I’m dealing more with confusing vireos.