Why is the US healthcare system both staggeringly expensive and shamefully ineffective? Because public health is not the primary goal of US healthcare. The primary goal is profit.
#fyp #letsmakethempay #usa #eattherich #fyparty #educational #history #healthcare #medicine #healthinsurance #brianthompson #hmo #capitalism #communism #luigi
let’s stop contribution to #CEOcapitalist #insurancecompanies and start a system of basic #healthcare for everybody
@benhuser Yes please!!!
@letsmakethempay @benhuser
I wonder why nobody has started a not-for-profit insurance company.
My wife has run up considerable bills that UHC has for the most part paid, mainly because she's had to see specialist after specialist, try treatment after treatment to figure this out. She finally knows the specialist she really needs to see, but they can't fit her in until Feb. They waste more with denials than if they'd just take care of people's health efficiently.
@benhuser @letsmakethempay
In desperation a couple months ago, she went to the ER trying to find someone who can help. Got a CT scan. They couldn't help, of course. Just got the denial in the mail this week. Haven't seen the bill yet.
@charles @letsmakethempay @benhuser
"I wonder why nobody has started a not-for-profit insurance company."
I have often wondered this myself. Seems like there are an awful lot of people who gesture at (insert other, often Scandinavian country here) and say their healthcare system is a dream; often, more people than there even are in that other country. Seems like the thing to do is...well, prove it. Get together with those who agree and adopt that system, and prove it works well here.
"How the Free Market Fails US Healthcare"?
Sorry to break it to you; we don't have a free market in healthcare. Not even close.
@AlexanderKingsbury Oh let me guess... it's all the government's fault that US healthcare is such a mess? It could never be private, for-profit corporations' fault.
It's largely the government's fault, yes. Plenty of proof. Tell me; why can't the Open Insulin Project move forward with their plan to provide safe, effective, cheap insulin to people?
@AlexanderKingsbury You blame the government for this? Ha. Corporations currently make money on insulin and you're confused about why government is against free insulin for people? Who do you think modern government serves? Corporations.
No, I am not asking about "free insulin". You seem very cavalier about shifting concepts around. You blame the free market for the state of our healthcare, while happily disregarding the obvious fact that we simply do not have a free market in healthcare. I ask about the Open Insulin Project, and you skip merrily over to "free insulin".
@AlexanderKingsbury Free market theory is always used to justify the dumpster fire that is American healthcare. But when called out about its failures pro-capitalist fanboys always whine "but there's no such thing as a free market." The government intervenes to protect capitalist profits (Medicare Modernization 2003). Corporations making billions off our suffering are the villains. Corporate profits are the reason "effective, cheap" insulin is just as bad as free to them.
"Free market theory is always used to justify the dumpster fire that is American healthcare."
By who? Who A. claims that we even have a free market (we don't) and then B. says that our current system is therefore "justified"?
@AlexanderKingsbury Many claim that free markets are the way to go... of course I forgot, it won't be a "free market" until Medicare and the VA are purged and we are only dependant on corporations for all healthcare... right?
Okay, so who A. claims that we even have a free market (we don't) and then B. says that our current system is therefore "justified"?
Anyone? Just one name of anyone who makes these claims.