The very first spread in my very first black sketchbook by @syystuuli (some day I’ll show you the very first page before the spread^^)
Gouache and coloured pencil
@FrancoiseV Thank you! I’ve found that coloured pencils are amazing for bringing back some of the vibrancy you sometimes lose with gouache.^^
@lindenshieldarts @syystuuli that is so perfect your talent born. it satifies so much
@lindenshieldarts @syystuuli one of my favorite double page
@lindenshieldarts @syystuuli I'm curious, how much time do you spend arranging the props juuuust right?
@sindarina @syystuuli Surprisingly little because I’m used to it, unless my birds are out and one flies by, swirling everything around.
@lindenshieldarts @syystuuli luminous! Gouache is so cool; as are black sketchbooks. Great first page!