It's official. After 3 months of back and forth, a major medical provider has elected to drop me as a patient for not having a Google or Apple device.
It is unclear if this is legal, but it is very clearly discriminatory and unethical.
Any tech journalists or lawyers interested in this?
I would like to do anything I can to ensure this never happens to anyone else.
Someone at the clinic legal or risk dept. must have seen this blowing up, or they saw the formal complaint I filed with the California Board of Medicine.
They suddenly offered to take me back as a patient on the condition that I sign a form that indemnifies them of any responsibility if they fail to contact me in a timely manner because of my choice to use "non standard communication" methods like phone or email.
Hard pass. They will get an email to transfer records to another provider soon.
Priority 1 for me is to get an alternative provider secured, and get back into desired treatment.
On the other side of completed treatment when no one can blackball me, I have names to name, to make sure a strong message is sent to never treat anyone like this again.