I’ve never seen 28 Days Later.
I was hoping to finally give this series a try before 28 Years Later is released, but it’s not available on any of the streaming services I use.
I hope this changes soon. It’s time to scare myself silly with fictional frights in 2025 if I can.
To follow up on this post, 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later are now available to rent online. I’m thrilled and can’t wait to see them sometime soon.
@lydiaschoch Do you have a horror watch list?
@wajib Yes. Do you?
I only watch horror occassionally as too much of it can give me nightmares, so stuff sits on my list until I’m ready to dive in again.
@lydiaschoch I'm a pretty basic about my horror so mainly it's just, like, every famous 80s sci-fi horror movie. But a friend of mine is a non-horror-fan trying to catch up on horror movies so I would be interested in passing on your recommendations if you have any!
@wajib Oh, for sure! I prefer paranormal, psychological, and thought-provoking horror over slasher films - not that there’s anything wrong with liking the gory stuff, of course - so that will be mostly what I recommend. I’m working on my list now. Give me a bit.
The list. The year each one was released is in parentheses beside the title:
Let the Right One In (2008)
Get Out (2017)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The Babadook (2014)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Us (2019)
Annihilation (2018)
The Others (2001)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2016)
A Quiet Place (2018)
Coraline (2009)
La Llorona (2019)
@wajib I’m trying to catch up on films made after 2019, but the events of 2020 and beyond put a real damper on how much horror I can handle. I’m slowly watching a little of it, though.
@wajib May your friend enjoy these films. :)
@lydiaschoch Its a good movie and I say this as a horror wimp.
@egret Oh, nice! Good to know.
@lydiaschoch See if your local library has it!
@eryngium That’s a good idea.
@lydiaschoch Does your local library have DVD's?
Where I live the library system is county-wide so if I don't mind going a ways, I can find plenty of movies.
Just watched Back to the Future 2--both for fun with the kids, and because it was my "homework" for a movie discussion club.
@14mission Thank you. I’ll see if they have it. I know they have some films and stuff.
@lydiaschoch I loved it, could even be seen as groundbreaking in the field
Never got around to #28weekslater myself, after I saw a bad review.