There is currently an issue with Object Storage provider (OVH) that is causing media uploads to fail.
The information I got just now on a phone call with OVH is that it's a network issue and they working on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience and will update as soon as I know more.
OVH just pointed to this page as the status page for this problem.
OK, I the network is coming back. There will be a large load in the network, so servers will be struggling to deal with it but I will keep monitoring the situation and report back.
Everything is back to normal now. Some instances may still have some jobs queued to be processed but gradually it should all clear.
Really sorry for this long service degradation of service (~3 hours) but something went seriously wrong on OVH today and it was completely out of my hand.
Any issues or questions, please let me know. Thank you for your patience
@mastohost glad to hear it wasn't just us! My workplace has a bunch of gear at OVH and experienced the same massive network disruption
@theradioguy Yes, I was searching last night and found a bunch of reports from other people/businesses being affected by this issue.