Semi-regular reminder that you can literally save lives today by donating to "Come Back Alive" #Ukrainian charity. It is (AFAIK) the largest, one of the oldest, and known to be effective and transparent. You can choose from multiple projects to donate, it accepts different types of payments from overseas, and it works on multiple aspects, including but not limited to air defence, medical evacuation, training, and veteran care
With more inbound interest here on Mastodon, it deserves a bit more context. Just some quotes:
> From the three persons who in 2014 originated «Come Back Alive», the foundation has developed into an organization with 40 staff members and 100 volunteers.
> works directly with the soldiers: military logisticians and instructors communicate with unit commanders and make a list of needs. [...] «Come Back Alive» buys and sends the necessary equipment to the front.
IIUC this charity became especially popular when Taras Chmut, an ex-marine who served from 2015 to 2017 in Donbas, stepped up to lead it in November 2021. He's an interesting "no bullshit" personality that with a foundation this successful has become quite public and even memetic in our #Ukrainian bubble. He's also the human of Pani Bulochka (Mrs. Bun in Ukrainian), photo of whom I must share on this #Caturday
@maxd Can I also add President Zelenskyy’s United24
Both of these are highly respected, trustworthy, and based in Ukraine
In my other life, I deal with supporting and fundraisers, and there are unsurprisingly a huge number of
related scams
So if someone not in a position to do due diligence asks how to donate to people and defenders of , I just send them to these two
@maxd Good info! :-)