I have an opinion I think you should VOTE EARLY
According to CBS you can vote early if your state¹ is on the map below in BLUE OR LIGHT BEIGE
I think you should vote early because of BULLSHIT
If you early-vote and encounter BULLSHIT, this may give you a chance to CORRECT IT before the regular election
"But I don't like—" Then I think you should vote DOWNTICKET
¹ Puerto Ricans: Sorry
@mcc Wow. I had no idea there were states with no in-person early voting.
@foobarsoft alabama is famous for not wanting you to vote. "sweet home alabama" has lyrics about it
@mcc New Hampshire was the only one I wouldn’t have guessed.
@foobarsoft New Hampshire I don't understand at all.
Democrats attempted a bill earlier this year to change the law, it failed. The attorney general there said it requires a change in the N.H. Constitution. I don’t live there but I would think the next step would be a question on the ballot asking voters if they want to change the Constitution to enable early voting for all.
@mcc @foobarsoft New Hampshire is the Alabama of New England.