This post is good. Read it, especially if you're just joining Mastodon from Twitter
@micahflee I don't understand the appeal of obscurity. Perhaps the appeal of being an early adopter? But this sounds largely pathetic to me. If you don't want your culture to be subsumed you gotta fight and win against the dominant culture. It's scrappy like that.
@micahflee like, does anyone give a shit about pre-1993 Usenet culture? It couldn't withstand the newcomer hordes. Git gud or get rekt
@elai @micahflee Being a new user myself, I can only speculate, but I suspect the feeling expressed in the article is because Mastodon users didn't really ask fight this culture battle for their platform. Having a lot of new users on Mastodon might be good, but I personally love the culture I'm finding on Mastodon and if it moved towards how Twitter is/was I'd be very disappointed. Clout-chasing and click-baiting are toxic behaviors and wanting to keep Mastodon's existing culture is worthwhile.
Totally agree. I've had a Mastodon account for a while but had trouble connecting with people (introversion issues), so I became inactive. I think I'd have benefited from being a tad more outgoing, because people were so welcoming when I (finally) introduced myself.
The spirit of the article (consent, freedom from toxicity not freedom to be toxic, mutual aid) is absolutely correct. We've had our social experiences shaped by corporations and need to snap out of this malaise.
that was excellent. Ty.
And thank you to Hugh Rundle wherever he is.
@micahflee much appreciated. I’ve never cared about clout, going viral, etc. I’ve had under 2k followers on Twitter since I joined in. 2009. What I care about is finding connections. I want to find people to learn from, to make space for and hear their stories. I’m Gen X who has always felt out of place and it feels like things are changing and making sense as my generation and older fight against this much needed progress. I just want to be where that is.
@micahflee I'm really hopeful that newcomers like me can be valuable members of this little anarchic community. I haven't found much community on Twitter, but I hope I can find some here without stomping on all the flowers. Thanks for the share.
@micahflee I came to escape alla that. Deleted Twitter and anxiety instantly abated. Glad I found y'all, ty.
@micahflee Thanks for recommending this article. I totally get it. I hope after the initial rush dies down people will learn to value Mastodon for all its good. And quit trying to remake it into that other site.
@micahflee I’m new, and am glad this is the first post I interacted with. Reminds me of how Reddit slowly turned mainstream, and content quality slowly degraded into clickbait nonsense. But, thanks to its different philosophy and non-profit approach, I think Mastodon can be different, and not degrade the way most social media does. Money and attention addiction have ruined public discourse for too long.