"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." -- Martin Golding
"Well of course I know him. He's me."
@nixCraft honestly, based on previous experience, some of the previous employees where i worked must have been violent psychopaths.
@nixCraft this quote is amazing, a mood, a lifestyle.
@blogdiva @nixCraft A lived experience. I can think of 2 likely ones off the top of my head. Wait. 3. Maybe 4. Well, 5 wasn't a violent psychopath, but did confide in me they had 5 diagnosed mental illnesses, unlike the 2 or 3 the average person in the rehab they were in were diagnosed with. Very proud of that. All coders. One co., all executives were on stimulants & booze & all the coders smoked pot & drank beer. Not a lot of understanding between the groups there. The 1st 2 were awful.
“But doctor, I …”
@KasTasMykolas @nixCraft
heh, I was making a Pagliacci reference, maybe it was too subtle
@nixCraft Who the f*ck wrote this piece of sh*t? Ah… it was me.
@nixCraft in many cases it will be you who ends up maintaining it, someone who fits all your criteria.
@nixCraft That's why open source is better: it's easier to know where the developers live :)
@nixCraft I’ve always heard this epigram as originating from Damian Conway.
@nixCraft If that were true, I should've been dead since 2019!
@nixCraft In practice I invited thos who maintain my code to have a drink at home. It ends up in no problem. I see 2 reasons for that : either my code was so good they have no reason to complain ; or they know I am a worse psycopath :)
@nixCraft then he's in for an even bigger shock when he turns up at my door!
@nixCraft @bohemianchic@infosec.exchange I mean, it’s not the worst philosophy
@nixCraft This could be a good epitaph.