I finally managed to work on the new webframework again and I am happy to report that the basics of server-side sessions now work.
Tomorrow I might or might not optimize the thing a bit and start introducing random UUIDs as primary keys as well as symmetric encryption with a key stored on visitors browsers.
@phryk New webframework? Sounds potentially interesting...
@alcinnz I started redoing my webframework from scratch about half a year ago.
This time without depending on flask and peewee.
I already got:
* URL routing
* something akin to flasks blueprints
* a "templating" engine using a tree of native python objects mapping 1:1 onto the resulting DOM
* an unfinished SQL generator with a syntax similar to peewee
@alcinnz The SQL generator is independent from actual database interaction – that's a layer on top of it that I'm currently hacking on, with sessions being the first thing to use it. :)
@alcinnz Also decided to go exclusively for postgres this time around because I want to use postgis for more powerful and performant map features and I really hope that won't bite me in the ass.^^
I haven't actually installed and played around with it yet, but from the docs it seems like it's essentially a couple thousand new functions for postgres.
Seems to include built-in support for map projections, all sorts of neat topological queries and even geometry simplification – all things where I'll be very glad if I'm able to outsource them to the DBMS. :P