Pixelfed for Android (build 13) with Dark Mode, Account Switching and more!
Download: https://dl.apps.pixelcdn.net/pixelfed-android-beta/pixelfed-android-v1.0.0.13.apk
Hash (sha256): 573106d5c4124f034a3d341a07bc90ddf225e2a5248e0ed06425ee16514149a2
@pixelfed still can't get my feed. At least it's a new error this time. Using metapixl.com as my instance.
@pixelfed It's absolutely beautiful. Thanks for all your hard work on this! :)
@pixelfed works great for me so far! Multi account support and dark mode knock this one out of the park for me! Keep up the good work
@pixelfed Awesome work! Thanks!
@pixelfed Is there a timeline for F-droid or Aurora Store availability? Want to start using it but rather download it from there.
@pixelfed Perfect! Not often apps seem to be this smooth and responsive, really liking the progress on this.
@pixelfed what's the license of your android app and where is the source code?
@cats-shadow You'll need to save/download the image, click cancel and then select it from your camera roll and then crop.
Sorry about that, we'll fix this in the next release!
Love the dark mode. It would be great though to be able to upload photos without cropping them. The current dialogue makes anything but the pre-applied 1:1 crop extremely cumbersome. Also being able to upload pictures without granting camera and microphone permissions would be great :)
@uzayran Sorry about that, the cropping issue is a bug we're working to fix.
We're working on an improved camera with the ability to upload photos without granting camera/mic permissions!
@pixelfed good to hear! That looks like a different issue though. I want to upload pictures from my phone without cropping them at all, but I have to go through the editor dialogue in the app which pre-applies a crop that I can't get rid of properly
بهبه! بعد برای ما دم از افدروید میزنی؟!
@pixelfed when browsing Discover - This Month and looking at a picture and then going back to the Discover overview, it always takes me back to Discover - Today, not This Month again. Is it intended this way? Because I think it's kinda irritating
@pixelfed is the plan for this to be in the Play store eventually?
@pixelfed wonderful, thank you. Really missing an app like this at present. Looking forward to its development and availability.
@pixelfed push notifications?
@pixelfed the Dark MODE I tried to add 2nd account but it doesn't work, asks to pick up the server, I need to write pixelfed.social click log in and then asks for authorisation for my current account and ... takes me back to my profile. Is it a bug or I do smth wrong ?
@pixelfed I love the dark mode, thanks
@pixelfed thanks for all your hard work Dan, we really appreciate it! ^^
@pixelfed thank you!!!
Hi, I'm still unable to post in the Android app. I got stuck in this screen. What can I do? Thanks!
@pixelfed is there any way that I can download photos from Android app