What is a digital footprint?
Your online activities create a trail, known as a #digital footprint, which can be used to track you.
Learn how to avoid leaving one and how to make it work for your benefit.
Defining your digital footprint
A #digitalfootprint is created by online activity, leaving behind a visible mark of your presence. Browsing, logging in, and clicking links are all recorded in some way.
Types of data collection
Active data is gathered when you sign up for something or make a purchase online.
Passive data is collected by trackers and could be linked to your personal identifier like email or IP address.
How to protect your digital footprint
Use a virtual private network (#VPN) like Proton VPN to hide your IP address.
Use Proton Pass to hide your email address through hide-my-email aliases.
Now you have everything you need to make your #digitalfootprint something you have control over, a digital identity you determine, rather than one that is dictated by marketers.
To read the whole blog, visit: https://proton.me/blog/what-is-digital-footprint
@protonprivacy can you back up the $600 with a source pls?
@protonprivacy Thank you very much